Главная » 2 Распространение и сезон сбора » Презентация на тему "Charlie Chaplin (Чарли Чаплин)". Работа может использоваться для проведения уроков и докладов по предмету "Английский язык"

Презентация на тему "Charlie Chaplin (Чарли Чаплин)". Работа может использоваться для проведения уроков и докладов по предмету "Английский язык"

Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889 in London, at 8:00 pm, outside the East Lane, Walworth in a family of artists in the music hall. His parents - Charles Chaplin Sr. and Hannah Chaplin (on stage Lily Gurley) - were stand-up actors. Shortly before the wedding with a Chaplin-st., Hannah gave birth to Sidney Hill, a half-brother of Charlie, from a certain Jew named Hawks.

Charlie made ​​his first appearance on stage in 1894, at the age of five years, replacing the program of music hall of his mother. Due to problems with the larynx and later she lost her voice at all necessary for a singing job. Little Charlie tore applause of spectators who were on the scene to throw coins and banknotes. He won the audience even more by becoming a childlike collect money during the performance, and then returned to the stage and finished the song from the repertoire of the mother. On stage, Hannah does not return.

Hannah Chaplin, shortly after her husband was seriously ill. Brothers Sid and Charlie (and his mother) were in the workhouse at Lambeth, and then were sent to a school for orphans and poor children. They had to earn a living. In 1896, Hannah lost her mind and was later placed in a psychiatric hospital. For some time, his own son and stepson to take in Charles Chaplin Sr., who already had a new wife and son, 4 years younger than his half-brother, Charlie.

In 1903, he (at age 14) to get a permanent job in the theater and as a messenger Billy in the play "Sherlock Holmes." At this time, Chaplin was virtually illiterate. When he was given the role of the text, he was afraid that he was asked to read aloud a few paragraphs. The role helped him learn Sidni.21 brother in February 1908 has a place in the theater actor Fred Karno company, which supplies ready skits and pantomimes for a number of music halls, and soon became one of the key actors in a number of productions (some of which he later adapted for the screen).

In Switzerland, Chaplin wrote the music for his silent films, the voice of the film "The Gold Rush." The actor was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1954. In his film "A King in New York" (1957) Chaplin himself plays the main role. In 1964, Chaplin published his memoirs, which were the basis of the biographical film "Chaplin" (1992). The last film, "A Countess from Hong Kong" Chaplin puts on its scenario in 1967, the main roles are played by Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando.

Работа может использоваться для проведения уроков и докладов по предмету "Английский язык"

В разделе собраны готовые презентации по Иностранным языкам для детей, школьников, студентов и взрослых. Также, презентации по английскому языку, будут полезны для учителей и преподавателей для демонстрации достопримечательностей, памятников, городов и стран, а также таблиц по грамматике из учебников. Здесь, Вы можете скачать презентации по английскому языку для 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 класса. Все презентации по английскому можно скачать абсолютно и без регистрации.

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2

Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889 in London, at 8:00 pm, outside the East Lane, Walworth in a family of artists in the music hall. His parents - Charles Chaplin Sr. and Hannah Chaplin (on stage Lily Gurley) - were stand-up actors. Shortly before the wedding with a Chaplin-st., Hannah gave birth to Sidney Hill, a half-brother of Charlie, from a certain Jew named Hawks. Charles Spencer «Charlie» Chaplin

Слайд 3

Charles Chaplin Sr. - owner of a pleasant baritone - was in the mid-1880s, is very popular in London music halls. He often had to go on tour in Europe, he played in New York. His repertoire met and songs composed by him. Stage career Charles Spencer Chaplin Sr. ended tragically: he lost his voice, lost his engagement, took to drink and died May 9, 1901 in London"s St Thomas" Hospital at the age of 37 years. In addition, the paternal grandmother, who died when Charlie was not yet six years old, came from the Smith family, who belonged to the Roma than the actor himself was extremely proud, though described it in his autobiography as "the skeleton in the family closet" (or "very terrible secret").

Слайд 4

Charlie made ​​his first appearance on stage in 1894, at the age of five years, replacing the program of music hall of his mother. Due to problems with the larynx and later she lost her voice at all necessary for a singing job. Little Charlie tore applause of spectators who were on the scene to throw coins and banknotes. He won the audience even more by becoming a childlike collect money during the performance, and then returned to the stage and finished the song from the repertoire of the mother. On stage, Hannah does not return.

Слайд 5

Hannah Chaplin, shortly after her husband was seriously ill. Brothers Sid and Charlie (and his mother) were in the workhouse at Lambeth, and then were sent to a school for orphans and poor children. They had to earn a living. In 1896, Hannah lost her mind and was later placed in a psychiatric hospital. For some time, his own son and stepson to take in Charles Chaplin Sr., who already had a new wife and son, 4 years younger than his half-brother, Charlie.

Слайд 6

In 1903, he (at age 14) to get a permanent job in the theater and as a messenger Billy in the play "Sherlock Holmes." At this time, Chaplin was virtually illiterate. When he was given the role of the text, he was afraid that he was asked to read aloud a few paragraphs. The role helped him learn Sidni.21 brother in February 1908 has a place in the theater actor Fred Karno company, which supplies ready skits and pantomimes for a number of music halls, and soon became one of the key actors in a number of productions (some of which he later adapted for the screen).

Слайд 7

In Switzerland, Chaplin wrote the music for his silent films, the voice of the film "The Gold Rush." The actor was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1954. In his film "A King in New York" (1957) Chaplin himself plays the main role. In 1964, Chaplin published his memoirs, which were the basis of the biographical film "Chaplin" (1992). The last film, "A Countess from Hong Kong" Chaplin puts on its scenario in 1967, the main roles are played by Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando.

Слайд 8

In 1972, Chaplin was the second time an honorary "Oscar". For this, he went for a short time in the U.S. - he was given only a limited visa. March 4, 1975 Chaplin was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Artist died in his sleep Dec. 25, 1977 at his home in Vevey, and was buried in the local cemetery. In memory of Charlie Chaplin on the shores of Lake Geneva, a monument. March 1, 1978 Chaplin"s coffin was dug up and kidnapped for ransom. Police arrested the criminals, and the actor"s body was reburied 17 May 1978 in the cemetery Meruz in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, under 6 feet (1.8 meters) of concrete, in the future to prevent such attempts. Chaplin was married four times, he had 12 children. Some of them also tried his hand at acting break, but fame as an actress got a Geraldine Chaplin.

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Пояснительная записка

Краткое описание хода урока:

Начало урока:

Речевая зарядка;

Проверка домашнего задания.

2) Основная часть урока:

4) Домашнее задание.

Пояснительная записка

Разработка урока «Школа вчера и сегодня» составлена к УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Английский с удовольствием» 10 класс к разделу «Start anew». Рабочая программа первого вида по английскому языку в 10 классе составлена на основе Новых Государственных стандартов по иностранному языку (2-11 кл.) (АСТ, «Астрель»,2004), Примерной программы по английскому языку, 2008 год. Курс рассчитан на 3 часа в неделю при 34 учебных неделях.

Урок проводился в общеобразовательном классе сильной подготовки МБОУ СОШ №4 им. В.В.Самсонкиной. В группе 12 человек, все дети из благополучных семей, но есть учащиеся, чьи семьи неполные. Большинство учащихся в данном классе целеустремленные, всегда готовы к уроку, помогают учителю подтянуть слабых учащихся, особенно когда идёт работа в группах с применением технологии «Обучаемся вместе».

Краткое описание хода урока:

Начало урока:

Приветствие, организационный момент;

Речевая зарядка;

Проверка домашнего задания.

2) Основная часть урока:

Целеполагание (Работа со всем классом: повторении фразовых глаголов с использованием синонимичных выражений. Первичное обучение перефразу);

Актуализация знаний учащихся по изученной лексике, работа по группам (Задания для каждой группы определяют учащиеся. Отработка изученных фразовых глаголов в упражнениях различной сложности; развитие навыков перефразирования предложений)

Совершенствование навыков поискового чтения, работа по группам (Задание определяет учитель. Обучение поисковому чтению, извлекая из текста определенную информацию. Использование интерактивного метода «Обучаемся вместе»).

3) Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

Обобщение знаний учащихся по теме (использование технологии «Синквейн»).

4) Домашнее задание.

В подборе материала для урока, использованы перспективные образовательные технологии, нестандартные материалы и методы, дополнившие его ход и содержание,

что делает урок продуктивным, позволяет проводить его в хорошем темпе. А главное - уделить внимание каждому учащемуся: в конце урока все учащиеся получают оценки, так как каждый имеет возможность показать свои знания. Разработка урока «Школа вчера и сегодня» наглядно демонстрирует использование технологии уровневой дифференциации, что особенно помогает при подготовке учащихся к сдаче экзаменов в форме и по материалам ЕГЭ. Данная технология используется на этапе актуализации знаний учащихся по изученным фразовым глаголам. Как известно, именно фразовые глаголы чаще всего представляют трудность для учащихся, и отработка их в упражнениях различной сложности позволяет добиться стабильных положительных результатов. В условиях дифференциации ученик определяет направления собственной реализации на основании имеющихся способностей, склонностей, интересов и выбирает ту образовательную траекторию, которая ему наиболее близка. Выбирая посильный уровень сложности обучения предмету, ученик оказывается в группе переменного состава. Выбор уровня сложности достаточно подвижен и делается не «навсегда». Три уровня сложности позволяют охватить практически всех детей, организовать учебный процесс, посильный для всех, адаптированный к способностям учащихся. Учитывая типологические особенности каждого ученика, делю класс на условные группы «А», «В», «С». Задания группы «А» зафиксированы как базовый стандарт - минимальный или репродуктивный. Здесь выделяю многократность повторения, учу выделять лексические опоры. Задания «В» выстроены на аналитико-синтетическом уровне и обеспечивают умственную деятельность, которая необходима для решения заданий на применение. Задания группы «С» предполагают творческий или продуктивный уровень. Элементы организации групповой формы работы позволяют мне активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся на уроке, включить в процесс обучения каждого ученика. Внутри групп каждый может высказать свое мнение, быть активным участником группы в соответствии с уровнем языковой подготовки, изученных лексических единиц. Все это дает ощутимый образовательный результат. Учащиеся, которые имеют недостаточные знания, которые плохо владеют разговорной речью перестают стесняться, наоборот, пытаются тянуться за сильными, легче вступают в диалог, исправляют свои ошибки в построении разговора, пытаются монологический высказывать свои мысли, учатся формулировать вопросы.

При работе с текстом применяю такой интерактивны метод обучения как «Learning together» (обучаемся вместе). Общеизвестно, что легче научиться, обучая других. Взаимообучение происходит в группах, члены которых работают над одним и тем же текстом, при этом имея разные задания (в данном случае задания для каждой группы были определены учителем). Так как после нескольких минут подготовки идёт перекрестных опрос (т.е. по очереди опрашиваются учащийся сначала из одной группы, а затем из другой), в результате обе группы улавливают общий смысл и содержание текста, основные лексические единицы, которые в нем отрабатываются, хотя идут к этому разными путями.

Результативно подвести итоги урока позволяет технология «Синквейн». Каждому учащемуся дается 2-4 минуты, чтобы написать свое пятистишие. Необходимо дать учащимся ключевое слово и напомнить, что синквейн должен обязательно касаться темы урока. Некоторым учащимся бывает трудно отразить узкую тему в пяти строках. В таких случаях я разрешаю составлять синквекйн так, чтобы он переплетался с общей темой изучаемого раздела. Два таких пятистишия показаны в уроке.

Практически ни один урок не обходится без использования компьютерных технологий. В данном уроке презентация играет вспомогательную роль, но работа по ней идет практически на каждом этапе урока: речевая разминка; проверка выполненных упражнений;

при переходе от работы над лексикой к обучению чтению.

Основные преимущества и эффективность такого типа урока я вижу в следующем:

Повышается уровень мотивации обучения;

Каждый ребёнок обучается на уровне его возможностей и способностей;

Реализуется желание сильных учащихся быстрее и глубже продвигаться в образовании;

Сильные учащиеся утверждаются в своих способностях, а слабые получают возможность испытывать учебный успех.

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Chaplin had blue eyes Chaplin was the lefthander, and he even played the violin with the left hand Once Chaplin incognito took part in a competition of doubles of the Tramp. Under one version he took the second place in the competition, under other version the third, under the third version the fifth. Interesting facts

Chaplin himself was the author of some aphorisms – short popular expressions. Here some of them: I believe that the power of laughter and tears can become antidote with hatred and fear Life is a tragedy when you see its close up, and a comedy when you look at it from afar The saddest thing that can be in a life is a habit to luxury

The most creative man Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential people during an epoch of mute cinema. Chaplin"s creativity was greatly influenced by the French comedian Max Linder to whom he devoted one of the films.

In 2008 Martin Stiff in the review of the book Chaplin: life wrote: «Chaplin was not simply a big person, he was the giant. In 1915 he rushed into the world as if a ghost with the gift of a comedy, laughter and the help when all ran around like a mad in the First World War, and during the following 25 years both during Great depression and during Adolph Hitler"s eminence, he continued creating … Hardly ever any other person can bring more pleasure, pleasure and simplification while the majority of people needs them so».

Early years in England () Charlie Chaplin was born in London in a family of actors of Music Hall. His parents Charles Spenser Chaplin- senior and Hanna Chaplin (on a scene Poured Gerli) were variety actors.

The first steps in art At the end of 1898 Chaplin joined the children"s dancing group «Eight Lancashire Guys». On Christmas of 1900 «Lancashire Guys» he took part in a pantomime "Cinderella". Chaplin was in a suit of a cat and had an opportunity to make spectators laugh for the first time. In the spring of 1901 Chaplin left «Lancashire Guys». Charlie seldom attended school, he worked as the seller of newspapers, the assistant of a doctor, in a printing house etc..

The first success In 1903 at the age of 14 years he received a permanent job at the theater and a role in the play "Sherlock Holmes". At this time Chaplin was almost illiterate.

During several years Charlie also played in a variety show. From 16 years he regularly played the violin for 416 hours per day. On February, 21st, 1908 he received a place of an actor in the theatrical enterprise of Fred Karno and soon became one of the main actors in a number of performances.

The first years in the USA () From September, 1910 till June, 1912 Chaplin with Karnos troupe was on tours in the USA. At this time he made a decision to remain in this country. He was invited to work in Keystone Studios with the salary in 150 dollars a week. Gradually pictures with the young actor began to make profit, and Chaplin became one of film studio stars. Then Chaplin decided to make films himself.

Activity in United Artists (In 1921 Chaplin travelled to Europe and had a great success in London and Paris. In Berlin nobody knew him as Chaplin"s films weren"t shown in the post-war Germany. The glory to Chaplin was brought by mute cinema and though the sound had appeared in films in 1927, Charlie remained true to the old film techniques even the whole decade.

The beginning of persecutions in the USA In 1952 Chaplin created a film "Festoon Lightings". On September, 17th, 1952 Chaplin went to London on the world premiere of this film, and the Head of FBI Edgar Hoover banned the return entrance of the actor to the USA. Chaplin lodged in Switzerland, in a small town.
«The King in New York» In 1957 Chaplin stared in the film «The king in New York». In 1964 Chaplin published the memoirs which he laid down in a basis of a biographic feature film "Chaplin".

"Rehabilitation" In 1972 Chaplin received honorable "Oscar" for the second time. For this purpose he arrived to the USA for short time. He was given out only limited visa. On March, 4th, 1975 Chaplin was devoted in knights by queen Elizabeth II. 26

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Charles Chaplin Sr. - owner of a pleasant baritone - was in the mid-1880s, is very popular in London music halls. He often had to go on tour in Europe, he played in New York. His repertoire met and songs composed by him. Stage career Charles Spencer Chaplin Sr. ended tragically: he lost his voice, lost his engagement, took to drink and died May 9, 1901 in London"s St Thomas" Hospital at the age of 37 years. In addition, the paternal grandmother, who died when Charlie was not yet six years old, came from the Smith family, who belonged to the Roma than the actor himself was extremely proud, though described it in his autobiography as "the skeleton in the family closet" (or "very terrible secret").

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Описание слайда:

In 1903, he (at age 14) to get a permanent job in the theater and as a messenger Billy in the play "Sherlock Holmes." At this time, Chaplin was virtually illiterate. When he was given the role of the text, he was afraid that he was asked to read aloud a few paragraphs. The role helped him learn Sidni.21 brother in February 1908 has a place in the theater actor Fred Karno company, which supplies ready skits and pantomimes for a number of music halls, and soon became one of the key actors in a number of productions (some of which he later adapted for the screen).

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

In Switzerland, Chaplin wrote the music for his silent films, the voice of the film "The Gold Rush." The actor was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1954. In his film "A King in New York" (1957) Chaplin himself plays the main role. In 1964, Chaplin published his memoirs, which were the basis of the biographical film "Chaplin" (1992). The last film, "A Countess from Hong Kong" Chaplin puts on its scenario in 1967, the main roles are played by Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando.

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

In 1972, Chaplin was the second time an honorary "Oscar". For this, he went for a short time in the U.S. - he was given only a limited visa. March 4, 1975 Chaplin was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Artist died in his sleep Dec. 25, 1977 at his home in Vevey, and was buried in the local cemetery. In memory of Charlie Chaplin on the shores of Lake Geneva, a monument. March 1, 1978 Chaplin"s coffin was dug up and kidnapped for ransom. Police arrested the criminals, and the actor"s body was reburied 17 May 1978 in the cemetery Meruz in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, under 6 feet (1.8 meters) of concrete, in the future to prevent such attempts. Chaplin was married four times, he had 12 children. Some of them also tried his hand at acting break, but fame as an actress got a Geraldine Chaplin.

Cлайд 1

Charlie Chaplin Charles Spencer «Charlie» Chaplin 16 april 1889 – 25 december 1977

Cлайд 2

Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889 in London, at 8:00 pm, outside the East Lane, Walworth in a family of artists in the music hall. His parents - Charles Chaplin Sr. and Hannah Chaplin (on stage Lily Gurley) - were stand-up actors. Shortly before the wedding with a Chaplin-st., Hannah gave birth to Sidney Hill, a half-brother of Charlie, from a certain Jew named Hawks. Charles Spencer «Charlie» Chaplin

Cлайд 3

Charles Chaplin Sr. - owner of a pleasant baritone - was in the mid-1880s, is very popular in London music halls. He often had to go on tour in Europe, he played in New York. His repertoire met and songs composed by him. Stage career Charles Spencer Chaplin Sr. ended tragically: he lost his voice, lost his engagement, took to drink and died May 9, 1901 in London"s St Thomas" Hospital at the age of 37 years. In addition, the paternal grandmother, who died when Charlie was not yet six years old, came from the Smith family, who belonged to the Roma than the actor himself was extremely proud, though described it in his autobiography as "the skeleton in the family closet" (or "very terrible secret").

Cлайд 4

Charlie made his first appearance on stage in 1894, at the age of five years, replacing the program of music hall of his mother. Due to problems with the larynx and later she lost her voice at all necessary for a singing job. Little Charlie tore applause of spectators who were on the scene to throw coins and banknotes. He won the audience even more by becoming a childlike collect money during the performance, and then returned to the stage and finished the song from the repertoire of the mother. On stage, Hannah does not return.

Cлайд 5

Hannah Chaplin, shortly after her husband was seriously ill. Brothers Sid and Charlie (and his mother) were in the workhouse at Lambeth, and then were sent to a school for orphans and poor children. They had to earn a living. In 1896, Hannah lost her mind and was later placed in a psychiatric hospital. For some time, his own son and stepson to take in Charles Chaplin Sr., who already had a new wife and son, 4 years younger than his half-brother, Charlie.

Cлайд 6

In 1903, he (at age 14) to get a permanent job in the theater and as a messenger Billy in the play "Sherlock Holmes." At this time, Chaplin was virtually illiterate. When he was given the role of the text, he was afraid that he was asked to read aloud a few paragraphs. The role helped him learn Sidni.21 brother in February 1908 has a place in the theater actor Fred Karno company, which supplies ready skits and pantomimes for a number of music halls, and soon became one of the key actors in a number of productions (some of which he later adapted for the screen).

Cлайд 7

In Switzerland, Chaplin wrote the music for his silent films, the voice of the film "The Gold Rush." The actor was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1954. In his film "A King in New York" (1957) Chaplin himself plays the main role. In 1964, Chaplin published his memoirs, which were the basis of the biographical film "Chaplin" (1992). The last film, "A Countess from Hong Kong" Chaplin puts on its scenario in 1967, the main roles are played by Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando.

Cлайд 8

In 1972, Chaplin was the second time an honorary "Oscar". For this, he went for a short time in the U.S. - he was given only a limited visa. March 4, 1975 Chaplin was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Artist died in his sleep Dec. 25, 1977 at his home in Vevey, and was buried in the local cemetery. In memory of Charlie Chaplin on the shores of Lake Geneva, a monument. March 1, 1978 Chaplin"s coffin was dug up and kidnapped for ransom. Police arrested the criminals, and the actor"s body was reburied 17 May 1978 in the cemetery Meruz in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, under 6 feet (1.8 meters) of concrete, in the future to prevent such attempts. Chaplin was married four times, he had 12 children. Some of them also tried his hand at acting break, but fame as an actress got a Geraldine Chaplin.

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