Главная » Съедобные грибы » Биография ван гога на английском языке. Van Gogh — топик по английскому

Биография ван гога на английском языке. Van Gogh — топик по английскому

Vincent van Gogh (30.04.1853 - 29.07.1890) - Dutch painter

Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter. His paintings are now highly valued in the world of art. He was born in the Southern Netherlands on March 30, 1853. His father was a pastor. Vincent wasn’t the only child in the family; he had two brothers and three sisters. In 1869 not even finishing the secondary school he left for Hague to work there at one large art company. In painter’s family all men somehow dealt either with religion or with art.

By the age of twenty Vincent decided to change his work area and to follow his father’s steps. He soon found pastor’s assisting job in the suburbs of London and moved there. His first sermon was held on October 29, 1876. A year later he moved back to the Netherlands to study theology at the University of Amsterdam. Time spent in London had considerably changed the artist’s life and views. Firstly, he had a good salary, so he could afford to visit various art galleries and museums. Secondly, he became a successful trader and could have an excellent career.

However, everything changed when he fell in love with his flat owner’s daughter, who had already been engaged. Facing this fact, he became indifferent to his work and to other joyful things in life. He lost his job and returned to the Netherlands. The only solace he found was religion. Having moved to Amsterdam, he began studying priesthood, but soon dropped the faculty. When he was about thirty-three Vincent moved to Paris to stay with his brother Theo.

There he got a chance to take painting lessons from F. Cormon and to meet such artists as Gauguin, Pissarro and others. He soon forgot all the misfortunes and became a recognizable and respectful artist. He largely developed the styles of impressionism and post-impressionism. At the same time he still worked as a preacher in one evangelical church. By the age of twenty-seven he knew exactly that he would dedicate his life to art. Although he took some drawing lessons, he was considered a self-taught painter, as he read lots of tutorials and had his own style.

Unfortunately, the painter’s life was soon again filled with love sufferings. This time it was his widowed cousin Kee Vos. She was also the reason why he quarreled with his father and moved to Hague. He met a woman of easy virtue there. Wishing to save her from her numerous sins, Vincent was even willing to marry her, but again his family interfered and thoughts of marriage were simply shattered. Returning to his home place he improved his drawing skills.

Soon he returned to Paris to his brother Theo, who always helped and supported him in every possible way. In fact, France for van Gogh was almost like the motherland. He spent all the rest of his life there, feeling like home. He was a person with difficult and explosive character. Some people even called him a crazy lunatic. Nevertheless he had his own friends who kept him a company. In 1888 he moved to Arles where he planned to create a settlement for artists. When he shared his idea with his friend Gauguin, they became enemies.

In the burst of anger van Gogh cut off his own left ear. After this case he was placed for two weeks in psychiatric hospital. Even after returning home he suffered from occasional hallucinations and had to re-start the treatment. In 1890 he finally left the hospital and went to Theo’s home, whose wife had just given birth to the son they named Vincent after his uncle. This peaceful happiness didn’t last. In July1890 van Gogh shot himself. The painter died in his brother’s arms, who loved him very much. Six months later his brother Theo also died and was buried next to Vincent.

Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.

Before becoming a painter he was a teacher.

He started painting when he was twenty-seven. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his young brother Theo, who lived in Paris.

Here he painted some of his most famous pictures.

After living there for two years he moved to the South of France, because the climate was warmer there.

But Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugin.

In another fit of madness, he cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he didn"t get any better.

Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village Vincent Van Gogh took a gun. He .went into a cornfield and shot himself. Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother"s arms.

His last words were: «I hope I did it properly». Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight.

Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.

Перевод текста: Vincent Van Gogh - Винсент Ван Гог

Винсент Ван Гог родился в Голландии в 1853 году.

Перед тем как стать художником, он бы учителем.

Он начал рисовать в возрасте 27 лет. В 1886 году он уехал из Голландии и присоединился к своему брату Тео, который жил в Париже.

Здесь были нарисованы некоторые из лучших его картин.

Прожив здесь два года, он переехал в южную Францию, потому что климат здесь был теплее.

Но Ван Гог был душевнобольным. Во время одного из приступов сумасшествия он напал на друга, художника Поля Гогена.

Во время другого приступа он отрезал себе часть уха. В конце концов он попал в больницу для душевнобольных, но состояние его не улучшилось.

В итоге 27 июля 1890 года в маленькой деревне Винсент Ван Гог взял ружье, вышел в кукурузное поле и застрелился. 36 часов спустя Ван Гог умер у брата на руках.

Его последние слова были: «Я надеюсь, что сделал правильно». Никто не рисовал так кукурузные поля и подсолнухи, как Ван Гог. Его картины полны красок и солнечного света.

Сегодня его картины стоят миллионы фунтов, но при жизни он продал лишь одну.

Использованная литература:
1. 100 тем английского устного (Каверина В., Бойко В., Жидких Н.) 2002
2. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. Устный экзамен. Топики. Тексты для чтения. Экзаменационные вопросы. (Цветкова И. В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.)
3. English, 120 Topics. Английский язык, 120 разговорных тем. (Сергеев С.П.)

Все разделы:

Vincent Van Gogh was one of the greatest painters of the XIX century. Van Gogh was born in 1853 in Holland; however, he spent most of his life in France.

Van Gogh’s life could hardly be considered the happy one. He was mentally ill and was aggressive from time to time. During one of his fits of nerves he cut a part of his ear off. Although Van Gogh went into a mental hospital several times, his state didn’t become any better. Furthermore, the great artist lived a rather short life. In 1890 he shot himself after pronouncing his last words: “The sadness will continue”.

It is difficult to believe that the one who painted such bright puctures was so desperate and unhappy at the same time. All his masterpieces depicted beautiful fields, splendid flowers, and sunny regions of France in vibrant colours and interesting shapes. His painting was far from classical art but was still fascinating.

Van Gogh preferred working fast that’s why a specific movement is seen in his works. Even the moon and stars move in his magnificent pictures.

Today it is possible to see Van Gogh’s masterpieces in many galleries and museums all over the world. However, the most famous museum dedicated to his art is situated in Amsterdam. The exhibition tells about the life of the great painter and introduces the World’s biggest collection of his works.


Винсент Ван Гог был одним из величайших художников 19 века. Ван Гог родился в 1853 году в Голландии. Однако большую часть жизни он провел во Франции.

Жизнь Ван Гога едва ли можно назвать счастливой. Он был душевно больным и время от времени проявлял агрессию. Во время одного из своих нервных припадков он отрезал себе часть уха. Хотя Ван Гог несколько раз лечился в психиатрической больнице, это не улучшило его состояния. Более того, выдающийся художник прожил весьма непродолжительную жизнь. В 1890 году он застрелился, произнеся свои последние слова: «Печаль продолжится».

Сложно поверить, что человек, написавший такие яркие картины, был в то же время настолько отчаявшимся и несчастным. Все его шедевры изображают красивые поля, восхитительные цветы, солнечные регионы Франции в сочных цветах и интересных формах. Его живопись была далека от классической, но все же завораживала.

Ван Гог предпочитал работать быстро, поэтому в его работах заметно особое движение. Даже луна и звезды двигаются на его поразительных картинах.

Сегодня шедевры Ван Гога можно увидеть во многих галереях и музеях мира. Однако наиболее известный музей, посвященный его искусству, находится в Амстердаме. Выставка рассказывает о жизни великого художника и представляет крупнейшую в мире коллекцию его работ.

Слова и фразы

Я всегда считала, что компьютерный перевод ужасен, но оказывается некоторые сайты не гнушаются и такими переводами. Грустно, но это факт. Пример такого компьютерного перевода текста «Ван Гог. Подсолнухи» я нашла на одном из сайтов с ГДЗ. Читайте этот «компьютерный бред»—>

А ниже предлагается нормальный перевод текста «Ван Гог. Подсолнухи» (из учебника Афанасьевой О.В. , Михеевой И.В.). Делайте выводы) А может все же пора перестать надеяться на помощью компьютера и интернета и начать думать своей головой, как вы думаете?

Van Gogh. Sunflowers (текст на английском языке)

Van Gogh was interested in the symbolic significance of colours. A single colour - yellow - dominates «Sunflowers» making it a kind of symphony in yellow. Is there any variety in the range of yellows used? Can you describe the palest and the darkest shades of yellow? Other colours are used but which contrast most strongly with yellow? The whole mood of this painting is obviously determined by its yellows. How would you describe this mood? Think of the range of feelings you associate with yellow. What do you think yellow signified to Van Gogh?

Is your first impression of «Sunflowers» that it was painted slowly over a considerable time, or produced rapidly? The way it is painted can be seen in the brushwork, which is used both to describe the sunflowers and to express their essential character. The circular centres are painted in thickly stripped yellow ochre paint which Van Gogh used to show the formation of the seeds. The background of the picture is very simple and rigid. Do you think it contrasts with the flowers? What does this contrast stress?

Different stages in the life cycle of the flower are shown in this painting. Some flowers are not yet open, and it is easy to imagine them still growing. Others are heavy and ripe. A couple hang their hands as if they have passed their peak and have begun to die. Van Gogh obviously had to work rapidly for, once picked, sunflowers last only for a short time. Do you think Van Gogh wanted to show us how short-lived beauty could be?

Перевод текста «Картина Ван Гога Подсолнухи» (из учебника Афанасьевой О.В. , Михеевой И.В.)

Ван Гога интересовало символическое значение цветов. Так, желтый цвет доминирует в его картине «Подсолнухи» и делает ее своего рода симфонией желтого. Диапазон желтого цвета, который использовал художник очень разнообразен: от самого бледного до очень насыщенного желтого цвета. Также Ван Гог использовал цвета, которые наиболее сильно контрастируют с желтым. Все настроение этой картины очевидно определяется ее цветом. Как бы вы описали это настроение? Какие чувства обычно ассоциируются у вас с желтым цветом? Что означал желтый цвет для Ван Гога?

Как вы думаете, он писал эту картину в течение длительного времени или нарисовал ее быстро? Определенная техника видна в манере художника, в том, как он изобразил подсолнухи и как отразил саму суть этих цветов. Так сердцевина цветков нарисована густой желтой охрой, что подчеркивает начавшееся формирование семян. Задний план картины довольно прост и небрежен. Возможно, по замыслу художника, такой фон должен подчеркнуть контраст с цветами. Для чего нужен такой контраст?

На картине изображены различные стадии жизни цветка. Некоторые из подсолнухов еще не раскрылись, как будто еще будут расти. Другие, уже совсем большие, полны спелых семечек. Пара цветков свесили свои головки, как будто они уже перешли во вторую стадию своей жизни и скоро завянут. Очевидно Ван Гогу пришлось работать быстро, так как сорванные подсолнухи живут очень короткое время. Может быть Ван Гог хотел показать нам как недолговечна красота, как вы думаете?

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Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. Before becoming a painter he was a teacher. He started painting when he was twenty-seven. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his young brother Theo, who lived in Paris. Vincent van Gogh, age 19

Here he painted some of his most famous pictures. After living there for two years he moved to the South of France, because the climate was warmer there. Irises , 1889 Houses in Auvers , 1890

But Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugin. In another fit of madness, he cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he didn"t get any better. Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village Vincent Van Gogh took a gun. He went into a cornfield and shot himself. Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother"s arms. His last words were: "I hope I did it properly". Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe

Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of color and sunlight. Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one. Majolica Jar with Branches of Oleander, 1888 Seascape at Saintes-Maries, 1888

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