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Каушанский язык. Грамматика английского языка

«Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка» иллюстрирует положения, изложенные а книге тек же авторов - «Грамматика английского языка».

State the morphological composition of the following nouns.
Snow, sandstone, impossibility, widower, opinion, exclamation, passer-by, misunderstanding, inactivity, snowball, kingdom, anticyclone, mother-of-pearl, immobility, might, warmth, succession, ex-president, nurse, misdeed, wisdom, blackbird, attention, policeman, merry-go-round, girlhood, usefulness, fortune, friendship, statesman, brother-in-law, population, fellow-boarder, smelling-salt.

Point out the nouns and define the class each belongs to.
1. Don"t forget, Pettinger, Europe is still the heart of the world, and Germany the heart of Europe. (Heym) 2. Persuing his inquiries, Clennam found that the Gowan family were a very distant ramification of the Barnacles... (Dickens) 3. His face was sick with pain and rage. (Malti) 4. He drank coffee, letting the warmth go through his cold, tired body. (This is America) 5. But there is only one place I met with the brotherhood of man, and it was in the Communist Party. (This is America) 6. The mysteries of storm and the rain and tide were revealed. (Galsworthy) 7. Having set the tea, she stood by the table and said slowly: “Tea"s ready. Father. I"m going to London." (Galsworthy) 8. By this time, quite a small crowd had collected, and people were asking each other what was the matter. (Jerome K. Jerome)

Table of contens.
The Noun
The Use of Articles
The Adjective
The Pronoun
Words Denoting State
The Verb
Tenses in the Active Voice
The Passive Voice
Modal Verbs
The Subjunctive Mood
The Non-finite Forms of the Verbs (Verbals)
The Participle
The Ocrun
The Infinitive
The Adverb
Modal Words
The Interjection
The Preposition
The Conjunction
The Particle
Grammatical Homonyms
The Simple Sentence
Kinds of Sentences
The Subject
The Predicate
Agreement of the Predicate with the Subject
The Object
The Attribute
Adverbial Modifiers
Independent Elements of the Sentence
Detached Members
Sentences with Homogeneous Members
Word Order
The Compound and the Complex Sentence
Sequence of Tenses
Indirect Speech.

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Скачать книгу Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, Каушанская В.Л., 2006 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

  • Книги по английскому языку
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Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following nouns.

Snow, sandstone, impossibility, widower, opinion, exclamation, passer-by, misunderstanding, inactivity, snowball, kingdom, anticyclone, mother-of-pearl, immobility, might, warmth, succession, ex-president, nurse, misdeed, wisdom, blackbird, attention, policeman, merry-go-round, girlhood, usefulness, fortune, friendship, statesman, brother-in-law, population, fellow-boarder, smelling-salt.

Exercise 2. Point out the nouns and define the class each belongs to.

1. Don"t forget, Pettinger, Europe is still the heart of the world, and Germany the heart of Europe. (Heym) 2. Pursuing his inquiries, Clennam found that the Gowan family were a very distant ramification of the Barnacles... (Dickens) 3. His face was sick with pain and rage. (Maltz) 4. He drank coffee, letting the warmth go through his cold, tired body. (This is America) 5. But there is only one place I met with the brotherhood of man, and it was in the Communist Party. (This is America) 6. The mysteries of storm and the rain and tide were revealed. (Galsworthy) 7. Having set the tea, she stood by the table and said slowly: "Tea"s ready, Father. I"m going to London." (Galsworthy) 8. By this time, quite a small crowd had collected, and people were asking each other what was the matter. (Jerome i(. Jerome) 9. There were several small losses: a spoon used for the baby"s feeding, a pair of scissors. (Lessing) 10. He was professor of physics. (London) 11. A band of dark clouds lay across the sky, and underneath it was the last pale brilliance of the evening. (Murdoch) 12. "I have some luggage," he said, "at the Brumblehurst Station," and he asked her how he could have it. (Wells) 13. In the kitchen Bowen read the telegram aloud. (Amis) 14. The crowd laughed and moved, pushing every way and everybody. (This is America) 15. De Witt fished through his pockets, found his eyeglasses, carefully slipped them out of their case... (Heylri) 16. A stone caught her heel. (Maltz) 17. George suggested meat and fruit pies, cold meat, tomatoes, fruit and green stuff. (Jerome K. Jerome) 18. The silvercoloured carpet felt wonderfully soft beneath his feet, the furniture was of a golden wood. (Galsworthy) 19. The major seemed to be looking out at the sky... (Heytn) 20. Winslow spoke with his usual caustic courtesy. (Snow) 21. The bourgeoisie is cowardly. (London) 22. The moon was shining through the tree stems when they sax again side by side on the log seat. (Galsworthy) 23. "It"s not Sunday, tomorrow," said Karg. (Heytn) 24. He looked down at his audience. (Heyrri) 25. His hair was grey and he was short and fat. (Hemingway)

Exercise 3. Give the plural oi the following nouns.

Face, portfolio, swine, house, tomato, hearth, mother-in-law, basis, clergyman, ox, cry, key, fox, downfall, looker-on, rock, bush, enemy, leaf, roof, genius, hero, bunch, sheep, ship, criterion, youth, journey, penknife, man-of-war, loss, datum, goose, deer, pie, Englishwoman, wolf, mouse, formula, bath, volcano, possibility, forget-me-not, foot, handkerchief, thief, crisis, stepdaughter, birth, echo, finger-tip, court martial, joy, mischief-maker, extremity, spy, lie.

Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of the verb.

1. "There - money in my pocket," 1 said to the porter, (is, are) (Hemingway) 2. I know my hair __ beautiful, everybody says so. (is, are) (Hardy) 3. The works __ his country, his home, his reason for being, (was, were) (Heym) 4. These white swine - not live, (does, do) (Sabatini) 5. Means __ easily found, (was, were) (Thackeray) 6....this watch __ a special favourite with Mr. Pickwick, having been carried about... for a greater number of years than we feel called upon to state, at present, (was, were) (Dickens) 7. "Good," I said. "No one shall tell me again that fish - no sense with them." (has, have) (Llewellyn) 8. The deer __ ravaging the man"s fields, (was, were) (Twain) 9. Money __ so scarce that it could fairly be said not to exist at all. (was, were) (Dreiser) 10. I was here before the gates __ opened, but I was afraid to come straight to you. (was, were) (Dickens) 11. The papers __ dull, the news _ local and stale, and the war news __ all old. (was, were) (Hemingway) 12. At Capracotta, he had told me, there __ trout in the stream below the town, (was, were) (Hemingway) 13. The sugartongs __ too wide for one of her hands, and she had to use both in wielding them, (was, were) (Ch. Bronte) 14. Her hair __ loose and half-falling, and she wore a nurse"s dress, (was, were) (Hemingway) 15. And the baggage __ apparatus and appliances, (contain, contains) (Wells) 16. The china __ good, of a delicate pattern, (was, were) (Dreiser) 17. The nurse"s wages.: __ good... (was, were) (Collins)

Exercise 5. Explain the use of the genitive case.

1. For four months, since in the canteen she saw Jon"s tired smile, he had been one long thought in her mind. (Galsworthy) 2. Agnes was at her wit"s-end. (Lindsay) 3. Since his illness, however, he had reluctantly abandoned this attempt to get twentyfour hours’ work out of each day. (Murdoch) 4....the Radicals" real supporters were the urban classes. (Galsworthy) 5. To Elizabeth it seemed that the lines with which fear had falsely aged his face were smoothed away, and it was a boy"s face which watched her with a boy"s enthusiasm. (Greene) 6. For his honor"s sake Torn has got to commit suicide. (Saroyan) 7. They were to leave the house without an instant"s delay and go at once to the river"s edge and go aboard a steamer that would be waiting there for them. (Buck) 8. And he lifted his strange lowering eyes to Derek"s. (Galsworthy) 9. I was encouraged when, after Roger had proposed the guest of honor"s health, Lufkin got up to reply. (Snow) 10. "Where are the children?" "I sent them to mother"s." (Cronin) 11. Philip heard a man"s voice talking quickly, but soothingljr, over the phone. (/. Shaw)12. Presently Rex was on his two miles" walk to Offendene. (Eliot) 13. That early morning he had already done a good two hours" work. (Galsworthy) 14. Bowen sat on the veranda of Buckmaster"s house. (Amis) 15. Crime is the product of a country"s social order. (Cronin) 16. I spotted the bride"s father"s uncle"s silk hat on the seat of a straight chair across the room. (Salinger) 17. I spent Christmas at my aunt Emily"s. (Braine) 18. We took some bread and cheese with us and got some goat"s milk up there on the pasture. (Voynich) 19. He was still thinking of next morning"s papers. (Snow) 20. Why, for God"s sake, why must we go through all this hell? (Saroyan) 21. A man stepped out from a tobacconist"s and waved to them, and the car slid to the kerb and. stopped. (Greene) 22. A woman"s love is not worth anything until it has been cleaned of all romanticism. (Murdoch) 23. Her skin was as dry as a child"s with fever. (Greene)

Exercise 6. Put the noun in the genitive case. Explain the use of the genitive case.

1. Well, I"d rather be married to a saint that never saw my good looks than to a sinner who saw every other __. (woman) (Buck) 2. The breakfast table at __ was usually a very pleasant one, and was always presided over by Bella. (Mr. Boffin) (Dickens) 3. "I think __ friendships are much deeper than __," Mrs. Thompson said, (men, women) (Braine) 4. That night he had chosen a basement bar a __ throw from Scotland Yard... (stone) (Hansford Johnson) 5. As he passed through the __ room he saw an evening paper spread out conspicuously on the desk of the __ nephew. (clerks, director) (Greene) 6. But I suppose that need not prevent us from quarrelling to our __ content in future, (heart) (Voynich) 7. With one cold glance could she send me back into childhood with all a lonely __ terrors and shames, (child) (Lindsay) 8. I will even go farther, if you like, and admit, for __ sake and for __ sake, that the identity of Lady Glyde, as a living person, is a proved fact to Miss Hal combe "and yourself, (courtesy, argument) (Collins) 9. He stopped to dinner that evening and much to - satisfaction made a favorable impression on her father. (Ruth) (London) 10. He said to her: "Look at my brother __ property." (James) (Galsworthy) 11. He had not been at __ for nearly two years. (Timothy) (Galsworthy) 12. Benson... was listening among the __ representatives cocking his head on one side, (workers) (Lindsay) 13. He had never thought that a mere __ hand could be sweetly soft, (woman) (London) 14. But he was daunted the next moment by his own and __ insignificance. (Milly) (Greene) 15. But by that time the bride was near the end of the first _ journey towards Florence, (day) (Dickens) 16....he too wished she had remained at home, as did most of the __ families, (congressmen) (Stone) 17. You need a good __ sleep, (night) (Shaw) 18. Haven"t you noticed that other __ bread-and-butter is always much nicer than your own? Robert is like that. He always prefers __ fireside, (people, somebody else) (Maugham) 19. The __ wives were more expensively dressed than the Civil __, and in general more spectacular, (politicians, servants) (Snow) 20. One evening, on the way to the __, I saw Irwing sitting on the steps of his house, (grocer) (Saroyan) 21. I cannot be blamed for all my __ doings, (kin) (Lindsay)

Exercise 7. Translate into English, using a noun in the genitive case where possible.

1. Давид провел две недели в Ярмуте у мистера Пеготти. 2. Уезжая в Ярмут, мальчик ничего не знал о предполагаемом (intended) браке своей матери. 3. После путешествия, которое длилось несколько часов, Пеготти с Давидом прибыли в Ярмут. 4. Приближаясь к дому мистера Пеготти, Давид увидел детскую фигурку, стоявшую на пороге. 5. Дядя Хэма и Эмили усыновил их, когда они были детьми. 6. Пеготти с гордостью говорила о доброте своего брата. 7. Двухнедельное пребывание в Ярмуте доставило Давиду большое удовольствие. 8. В присутствии мужа миссис Копперфильд боялась приласкать своего сына. 9. После минутной нерешительности Давид подошел к миссис Копперфильд и поцеловал ее. 10. После смерти жены мистер Мердстон послал Давида в Лондон, где мальчик должен был работать в торговом доме (warehouse) Мердстона и Гринби.


Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.

1. A kitten likes to play. 2. A violet does not smell so sweet as a lily of the valley. 3. Have you bought an apple for your child? 4. Here is a letter to be posted. 5. He ate a spoonful of broth and a sandwich. 6. I must buy a postcard. 7. She did not bring me a magazine, she brought me a newspaper. 8. She made a step towards him. 9. In the bedroom a candle was burning. 10. Did she ever lend you a book?

Exercise 2. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with class nouns.)

1. Not __ word was spoken in __ parlour. (Caldwelt) 2. __ room itself was filling up, so was __ staircase. (Snow) 3. I think that __ man"s life is worth saving, whoever it belongs to. (Shaw) 4. Though __ earth was cold and wet, __ sky was clear and __ sun rose bright and beautiful. (Dickens) 5. He made them provide not one car, but half __ dozen. (Snow) 6.. __ compass was invented in ancient China. 7. Not __ word was spoken, not __ sound was made. (Dickens) 8. __ sky outside __ window was already dark, __ secretaries had gone home, all was quiet. (Snow) 9. Edward remained __ week at __ cottage. (Austen) 10. I tell you, he"s as brave as __ man can reasonably be. (Snow) 11. After that they would meet, perhaps, two or three times __ year. (Galsworthy) 12. Dinny looked up at __ house; and suddenly saw __ face in __ window of __ dining-room. (Galsxnorthy) 13. You know I never cared for __ drama. 14. "It is not __ large house," I said. "We don"t want __ large house." (Jerome K. Jercme) 15. He looks older than he is, as __ dark men often do. (Dickens) 16. Roger looked at him and, without __. word, took out his wallet and gave him __ ten-shilling note. (Snow) 17. As __ man sows, so shall he reap. 18. This morning __ tobacconist was at his door. (Bennett) 19. It was Sunday afternoon, and __ sun, which had teen shining now for several hours, was beginning to warm __ earth. (Murdoch) 20. I have __ long story to tell you. Come and sit down on __ sofa and let us have __ comfortable chat. (Marryat) 21. __ arm in __ arm, they walked toward home. (/. Shaw)22. It was __ cottage built like __ mansion, having __ central hall with __ wooden gallery running round it, and __ rooms no bigger than __ closets. (Hardy) 23. And what __ beautiful moth there is over there on-----wall. (Murdoch) 24. She had __ key of her own. (Conan Doyle) 25. He was __ short, plump man with __ very white face and __ very white hands. It was rumoured in London that he powdered them like __ woman. (Greene) 26. __ old couldn"t help __ young... (Galsworthy) 27. To him she would always be __ loveliest woman in __ world. (Maugham) 28. __ strongest have their hours of depression. (Dreiser) 29. Her aunt, in __ straw hat so broad that it covered her to __ very edges of her shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her. (Galsworthy) 30. 1 am afraid I addressed __ wrong person. (Collins) 31. They must have had very fair notions of __ artistic and __ beautiful. (Jerome K. Jerome) 32. __ rich think they can buy anything. (Snow) 33. __ room has three doors; one on __ same side as __ fireplace, near - corner, leading to __ best bedroom. (Shaw) 34. My thousand __ year is not merely. __. matter of dirty banknotes and jaundicedguineas... but, it may be, health to __ drooping, strength to __ weak, consolation to __ sad. (Ch. Bronte) 35. Thank you, Stephen: I knew you would give me __ right advice. (Shaw) 36. Sometimes... visitors rang __ wrong bell. (Bennett) 37. My family came from hereabouts some generations back. I just wanted to have - look at __ place, and ask you __ question or two. (Galsworthy) 38. __ woman will only be "the equal of __ man when she earns her living in __ same way that he does. (Maugham) 39. He arrived half __ hour before dinner time, and went up to __ schoolroom at __ top of __ house, to see __ children. (Galsworthy) 40. You will see him __ steady character yet. I am sure of it. There is something in. __ very expression of his face that tells me so. (Marryat) 41. Far away in __ little street there is __ poor house. One of __ windows is open and through it I can see __ woman seated at __ table. She is __ seamstress. (Wilde) 42. _ man who entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing __ grey flannel trousers with __ red woollen shirt, open at __ neck, whose collar he carried outside __ lapels of his dark tweed jacket. (Clark) 43. Believe me, when __ woman really makes up her mind to marry __ man nothing on God"s earth can save him. (Maugham) 44. I stopped,., still uncertain of myself and whether I was saying. __ right thing. (Du Maurier) 45, Then it was night and he was awake, standing in __ street, looking up at __ dark windows of __ place where he lived. __ front door was locked and there was no one in __ house. (Saroyan) 46. I believe I can tell __ very.moment I began to love him. (Galsworthy) 47. We are told that __ heart of __ man is deceitful above all __ things, and desperately wicked. (Shaw) 48. "I must do it," said Adam; "it"s __ right thing." (Eliot) 49. Mr. Boythorn lived in __ pretty house with __ lawn in front, __ bright flower garden at __ side and __ kitchen-garden in __ rear, enclosed with __ wall. __ house was __ real old house. (Dickens) 50 __ bartender was __ pale little man in __ vest and apron, with __ pale, hairy arms and __ long, nervous nose. (/. Shaw)51. __ face to __.face, he was as warm and easy-natured as he had ever been. (Snow) 52. 1 had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in __ sincere, how much baseness in _ noble, or how much goodness in __ reprobate. 10 (Maugham) 53. During __ country house parties one day is very like another. __ men put on __ same kind of variegated tie, eat __ same breakfast, tap __ same barometer, smoke __ same pipes and kill __ same birds. (Galsworthy) 54. Almost at. very moment when r,he had returned Aileen had appeared. (Dreiser) 55. __ old man quitted __ house secretly at __ same hour as before. (Dickens) 56. We are told that __ wicked shall be punished. (Shaw) 57. __ arm in __ arm we walked on, sometimes stumbling over __ hump of earth or catching our feet in __ rabbit-holes. (Hansford lohnson) 58. Clare was __ most vivid member of __ family. She had dark fine shingled hair and __ pale expressive face, of which __ lips were slightly brightened. __ eyes were brown, with __ straight and eager glance, __ brow low and very white. Her expression was old for __ girl of twenty, being calm and yet adventurous. (Galsworthy) 59. When I was __ child my mother used to make __ cakes and send me out with them as __ presents to __ neighbours. And. __ neighbours would give us __ presents too, and not only at Christmas time. (Murdoch) 60. I wrote to __ Managing Editor that this was __ wrong moment to change their correspondent. (Greene)

Один из лучших отечественных учебников по грамматике английского языка , написанных за последние 50 лет. Книга состоит из двух частей - «Морфология» и «Синтаксис», в ней глубоко и детально описана грамматическая система английского языка. Примеры , иллюстрирующие правила, взяты из классических произведений английских и американских авторов XIX-XX вв., а также из современных словарей.

Пятое издание учебника составлено с учетом изменений, произошедших в грамматической системе английского языка за последние десятилетия. Для студентов и преподавателей языковых вузов , а также для всех тех, кто желает в совершенстве освоить грамматику английского языка.

Год: 2008

Издательство: Айрис-пресс
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Mb

A Grammar of the English Language / Грамматика английского языка

General Classification of the Parts of Speech.
According to their meaning, morphological characteristics and syntactical functions, words fall under certain classes called parts of speech. We distinguish between notional and structural parts of speech. The notional parts of speech perform certain functions in the sentence: the functions of subject, predicate, attribute, object, or adverbial modifier.

The notional parts of speech are:
(1) the noun;
(2) the adjective;
(3) the pronoun;
(4) the numeral;
(5) the verb;
(6) the adverb;
(7) the words of the category of state;
(8) the modal words;
(9) the interjection.

Один из лучших отечественных учебников по грамматике английского языка

The structural parts of speech either express relations between words or sentences or emphasize the meaning of words or sentences. They never perform any independent function in the sentence. Here belong:
(1) the preposition;
(2) the conjunction;
(3) the particle;
(4) the article.

The object of this book is to give a course of English grammar for students specializing in the English language. The book includes Accidence, i. e. the parts of speech and morphological categories, and Syntax, i. e. the sentence and the parts of the sentence. The rules are illustrated by examples taken from English and American authors of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Книга состоит из двух частей - Морфология и Синтаксис

The material of the book has been used for many years in teaching students of the Pedagogical institute of Foreign Languages in Leningrad, and has thus been put to the test of practical work, in preparing the material for print the authors have cosiderably enlarged it. Exercises on all topics treated in the manual are published in a separate issue, arranged in accordance with the chapters of the present book.

The authors wish to acknowledge their obligations to the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages and the Philological Department of Leningrad University, as well as to the teachers of the Hertzen Pedagogical Institute and all the strangers, who have reviewed the book and made a number of valuable suggestions.

Один из лучших отечественных учебников по грамматике английского языка, написанных за последние 50 лет. Книга состоит из двух частей - «Морфология» и «Синтаксис», в ней глубоко и детально описана грамматическая система английского языка Примеры, иллюстрирующие правила, взяты из классических произведений английских и американских авторов XIX-XX вв.. а также из современных словарей. Пятое издание учебника составлено с учетом изменений, произошедших в грамматической системе английского языка за последние десятилетия Для студентов и преподавателей языковых вузов, а также для веех тех, кто желает в совершенстве освоить грамматику английского языка.

General Classification of the Parts of Speech.
According to their meaning, morphological characteristics and syntactical functions, words fall under certain classes called parts of speech. We distinguish between notional and structural parts of speech. The notional parts of speech perform certain functions in the sentence: the functions of subject, predicate, attribute, object, or adverbial modifier.

The notional parts of speech are:
(1) the noun;
(2) the adjective;
(3) the pronoun;
(4) the numeral;
(5) the verb;
(6) the adverb;
(7) the words of the category of state;
(8) the modal words;
(9) the interjection.

The structural parts of speech either express relations between words or sentences or emphasize the meaning of words or sentences. They never perform any independent function in the sentence. Here belong:
(1) the preposition;
(2) the conjunction;
(3) the particle;
(4) the article.

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  • Книги по английскому языку
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5-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: 2008 - 384 с.

Один из лучших отечественных учебников по грамматике английского языка, написанных за последние 50 лет. Книга состоит из двух частей - «Морфология» и «Синтаксис», в ней глубоко и детально описана грамматическая система английского языка Примеры, иллюстрирующие правила, взяты из классических произведений английских и американских авторов XIX-XX вв., а также из современных словарей. Пятое издание учебника составлено с учетом изменений, произошедших в грамматической системе английского языка за последние десятилетия. Для студентов и преподавателей языковых вузов, а также для всех тех, кто желает в совершенстве освоить грамматику английского языка

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Table of Contents
Foreword 14
Introduction. Grammatical structure of the English language 15
Part 1
General classification of the parts of speech 18
Chapter I. The Noun
§1. Definition 19
§ 2. Morphological characteristics 19
§ 3. Syntactical characteristics 19
§ 4. Morphological composition 20
§5. Classification 21
§ 6. The category of number 24
§7. The category of case 28
Chapter II. The Article
§1. General notion 32
Use of articles with common nouns 33
§ 2-4. Class nouns 33
§ 5-7. Nouns of material 38
§ 8-11. Abstract nouns 39
Use of articles with proper nouns 40
§ 12. Names of people 40
§ 13. Geographical names 42
§ 14. Names of hotels, ships, newspapers and magazines 43
§ 15. Names of cardinal points 43
§ 16. Names of months and days 43
§ 17. Nouns modified by proper nouns 44
Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions 44
§ 18. The use of the indefinite article with nouns in set expressions 44
§ 19. The use of the definite article with nouns in set expressions 45
§ 20. Nouns in set expressions used without an article 46
Use of articles in some syntactic relations 48
§ 21. The use of articles with predicative nouns 48
§ 22. The use of articles with nouns in apposition 49
§ 23. The use of articles with nouns used in address 50
§ 24. Place of the article 50
§ 25. Ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian 51
Special difficulties in the use of articles 52
§ 26. The use of articles with the nouns day, night, morning, evening 52
§ 27. The use of articles with names of seasons 52
§ 28. The use of articles with the nouns school, college, university, bed, prison Jail, church 53
§ 29. The use of articles with the noun town 54
§ 30. The use of articles with the names of meals 54
§ 31. The use of articles with names of languages 55
Use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns and numerals 55
§ 32. Most 55
§ 33. Few, a few, the few; little, a little, the little 56
§ 34. Two, the two; three, the three, etc 57
§ 35. The second, a second 57
§ 36. Another, the other 57
§ 37. Last, the last 58
§ 38. Next, the next 58
§ 39. A number, the number 58
Omission of the article 58
Chapter III. The Adjective
§ 1. Definition 60
§ 2. Morphological characteristics 60
§ 3. Spelling rules 61
§ 4. Syntactical characteristics 61
§ 5. Morphological composition 61
§ 6. Classification of adjectives 62
§ 7. Grammatical characteristics of qualitative adjectives 63
§ 8. Grammatical characteristics of relative adjectives 63
§ 9. Substantivized adjectives 64
Chapter IV. The Pronoun
§1. Definition 65
§ 2. Classification of pronouns 65
§ 3. Personal pronouns 66
§ 4. Possessive pronouns 67
§ 5. Reflexive pronouns 68
§6. Reciprocal pronouns 70
§ 7. Demonstrative pronouns 71
§8. Interrogative pronouns 72
§ 9. Relative pronouns 74
§ 10. Conjunctive pronouns 75
§11. Defining pronouns 76
§ 12. Indefinite pronouns 79
§ 13. Negative pronouns 83
Chapter V. The Numeral
§1. Definition 86
§ 2. Cardinal numerals 86
§ 3. The functions of cardinal numerals in a sentence 86
§ 4. Ordinal numerals 87
§ 5. The functions of ordinal numerals in a sentence 87
Chapter VI. The Words of the Category of State
§1. Definition 89
§ 2-4. Morphological composition and use 89
Chapter VII. The Verb
§1. Definition 91
§ 2. Morphological structure 91
§3. Basic forms 91
§ 4. Syntactic function 94
§ 5. Transitive and intransitive verbs 95
§ 6. Lexical characteristics 96
§7-10. Grammatical categories 97
Tenses in the Active Voice
The Indefinite form 99
The Present Indefinite 99
§ 1. The formation of the Present Indefinite 99
§ 2. The use of the Present Indefinite 100
The Past Indefinite 102
§ 3. The formation of the Past Indefinite 102
§ 4. The use of the Past Indefinite 102
The Future Indefinite 104
§ 5. The formation of the Future Indefinite 104
§ 6. The use of the Future Indefinite 105
The Future Indefinite in the Past 105
§ 7. The formation of the Future Indefinite in the Past 105
§ 8. The use of the Future Indefinite in the Past 106
The Continuous form 106
The Present Continuous 107
§ 9. The formation of the Present Continuous 107
§ 10. The use of the Present Continuous 107
The Past Continuous 109
§ 11. The formation of the Past Continuous 109
§ 12. The use of the Past Continuous 110
The Future Continuous 111
§ 13. The formation of the Future Continuous 111
§ 14. The use of the Future Continuous 112
The Future Continuous in the Past 113
§ 15. The formation of the Future Continuous in the Past 113
§ 16. The use of the Future Continuous in the Past 114
Verbs not used in the Continuous Form 115
The Perfect form 116
The Present Perfect 116
§ 17. The formation of the Present Perfect 116
§ 18. The use of the Present Perfect 117
§ 19. The Past Indefinite and the Present Perfect 120
The Past Perfect 121
§ 20. The formation of the Past Perfect 121
§ 21. The use of the Past Perfect 122
§ 22. The Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect 124
The Future Perfect 124
§ 23. The formation of the Future Perfect 124
§ 24. The use of the Future Perfect 125
The Future Perfect in the Past 126
§ 25. The formation of the Future Perfect in the Past 126
§ 26. The use of the Future Perfect in the Past 127
The Perfect Continuous form 127
The Present Perfect Continuous 127
§ 27. The formation of the Present Perfect Continuous 127
§ 28. The use of the Present Perfect Continuous 128
§ 29. The Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Present Continuous 130
§ 30. The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive 130
The Past Perfect Continuous 131
§31. The formation of the Past Perfect Continuous 131
§ 32. The use of the Past Perfect Continuous 132
§ 33. The Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Past Continuous 133
The Future Perfect Continuous 133
§ 34. The formation of the Future Perfect Continuous 133
§ 35. The use of the Future Perfect Continuous 134
The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past 135
§ 36. The formation of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past 135
§ 37. The use of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past 136
The Passive Voice
§ 1. The formation of the Passive Voice 137
§ 2. The use of the Passive Voice 138
§ 3. The use of tenses in the Passive Voice 139
§ 4. Ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian 140
§ 5. Uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language 140
§6. The verb to be + Participle II 143
Modal Verbs
§ 1. Definition 145
§ 2. Can 146
§ 3. May 149
§ 4. Must 152
§ 5. Should and ought 154
§ 6. To be + Infinitive 156
§ 7. To have + Infinitive 158
§ 8. Shall 160
§ 9. Will 161
§ 10. Would 163
§ 11 .Dare 164
§ 12. Need 164
Mood 165
The Indicative Mood 166
The Imperative Mood 166
The Subjunctive Mood 167
§1. General notion 167
§2. Synthetic forms 167
§3. Analytical forms 170
§ 4. The forms of the Indicative Mood used to express the same meaning as is expressed by the Subjunctive Mood 170
The use of the Subjunctive Mood 171
§ 5. Simple sentences 171
§ 6. Conditional sentences 172
§ 7. Adverbial clauses of purpose 177
§ 8. Adverbial clauses of concession 178
§ 9. Adverbial clauses of time and place 179
§ 10. Adverbial clauses of comparison 179
§11. Predicative clause 180
§ 12. Subject clauses 181
§ 13. Object clauses 182
§ 14. Attributive appositive clauses 184
§ 15. Attributive clauses modifying the noun time in the principal clause 184
§ 16. Emotional use of the Subjunctive Mood 185
§ 17. Ways of rendering the Subjunctive Mood in Russian 186
Chapter VIII. The Non-finite Forms of the Verb (the Verbals)
§1. Definition 187
§ 2. The characteristic traits of the verbals 187
The Participle
§ 3. General notion 189
§ 4. Double nature of the participle 190
§ 5. Tense distinctions 191
§ 6. Voice distinctions 192
§ 7. Functions of Participle 1 193
§ 8. Functions of Participle II 198
§ 9. Predicative constructions with the participle 200
§ 10. The Objective Participial Construction 200
§ 11. The Subjective Participial Construction 202
§ 12. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction 203
§ 13. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction 204
§ 14. Absolute constructions without a participle 204
§ 15. Punctuation 205
The Gerund
§ 16. General notion 206
§ 17. Double nature of the gerund 206
§ 18. Tense distinctions of the gerund 208
§ 19. Voice distinctions of the gerund 210
§ 20. Predicative constructions with the gerund 210
§21. The use of the gerund 212
§ 22. The gerund and the infinitive 215
§ 23. The functions of the gerund 217
§ 24. The gerund and the participle 222
§ 25. The gerund and the verbal noun 223
The Infinitive
§ 26. General notion 224
§ 27. Tense and aspect distinctions of the infinitive 224
§ 28. Voice distinctions of the infinitive 226
§ 29. The use of the infinitive without the particle to 226
§ 30. The functions of the infinitive 229
§ 31. Infinitive constructions……234
§ 32. The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction 234
§ 33. The Subjective Infinitive Construction 239
§ 34. The for-to-Infinitive Construction 242
§ 35. The infinitive with the expressions to be sorry, to be glad 244
Chapter IX. The Adverb
§1. Definition 245
§ 2. Morphological structure 245
§ 3. Degrees of comparison 245
§ 4. Classification 246
Chapter X. The Modal Words
§1. Definition 247
§2. Classification 247
§3. Use 247
§ 4. Modal words and adverbs 247
Chapter XI. The Interjection
§1. Definition 249
§2. Classification 249
§ 3. Morphological composotion 249
Chapter XII. The Preposition
§1. Definition 251
§ 2. Morphological structure 251
§ 3. Classification 251
§ 4. Prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions 252
§ 5. Prepositions and postpositions 253
Chapter XIII. The Conjunction
§1. Definition 254
§ 2. Morphological structure 254
§3. Classification 255
§ 4. Coordinating conjunctions 255
§ 5. Subordinating conjunctions 258
Chapter XIV. The Particle
§1. Definition 261
§2. Classification 261
Chapter XV. The Simple Sentence
§1. Definition 264
§2. Classification 264
§3-4. Structure 267
Parts of the Sentence
The principal parts of the sentence 269
The Subject 269
§5. Definition 269
§ 6. Ways of expressing the subject 269
§ 7. It as the subject of the sentence 272
The predicate 274
§8. Definition 274
§ 9. The simple predicate 275
§ 10. The predicate expressed by a phraseological unit 275
§ 11. The compound predicate 277
§ 12. The compound nominal predicate 277
§ 13. The predicative 280
§ 14. The Objective Predicative 282
§ 15. The compound verbal predicate 283
§ 16. The compound verbal modal predicate 283
§ 17. The compound verbal aspect predicate 284
§ 18. Mixed types of predicate 285
Agreement of the predicate with the subject 286
§ 19. General notion 286
§ 20. Rules of agreement 287
§21. Agreemen of the predicate with the subject expressed by a syntactic word-group 291
The secondary parts of the sentence 294
The object 294
§22. Definition 294
§ 23. Ways of expressing the object 294
§24. Kinds of objects 296
§25. The direct object 296
§ 26. The indirect object 296
§ 27. The complex object 299
§ 28. The cognate object 300
The attribute 301
§29. Definition 301
§ 30. Ways of expressing the attribute 301
§ 31. The apposition 305
§ 32. The close apposition 305
§ 33. The loose or detached apposition 306
The adverbial modifier 306
§ 34. Definition and classification 306
§ 35. Ways of expressing the adverbial modifier 308
Detached (loose) parts of the sentence 310
§36. Definition 310
§ 37. The detached adverbial modifier 311
§ 38. The detached attribute 312
§ 39. The detached object 312
The independent elements of the sentence 312
§40. Definition 312
§41. Parenthesis 313
Sentences with homogeneous parts 314
Chapter XVI. Word Order
§ 1. General remarks 316
§2-4. Inverted order of words 317
§ 5. Position of the object 322
§ 6. Position of the attribute 323
§ 7. Position of adverbial modifiers 327
Chapter XVII. The Compound Sentence and the Complex Sentence
The compound sentence 332
§ 1. General notion 332
§ 2. Types of coordination 332
The complex sentence 334
§ 3. General notion 334
§ 4. Subject clauses 336
§5. Predicative clauses 337
§ 6. Object clauses 338
§ 7. Attributive clauses 340
§ 8. Attributive relative clauses 340
§ 9. Attributive appositive clauses 342
§ 10. The use of relative pronouns in attributive relative clauses 342
§ 11. Adverbial clauses 344
§ 12. Adverbial clauses of time 345
§ 13. Adverbial clauses of place 346
§ 14. Adverbial clauses of cause 347
§ 15. Adverbial clauses of purpose 347
§ 16. Adverbial clauses of condition 348
§ 17. Adverbial clauses of concession 348
§ 18. Adverbial clauses of result 349
§ 19. Adverbial clauses of manner 349
§ 20. Adverbial clauses of comparison 350
§ 21. Polysemantic conjunctions 350
The compound-complex sentence 351
Parenthetical clauses 351
Chapter XVIII. The Sequence of Tenses
§1. Definition 352
§2-5. General rules 353
§ 6. Tenses in English and in Russian 354
§ 7. Tenses in object clauses 355
§ 8. Tenses in conventional direct speech 355
§ 9. Tenses in attributive relative clauses and adverbial clauses of cause, result, comparison, and concession 355
§ 10. Tenses in subject clauses and predicative clauses 356
Chapter XIX. Indirect Speech
§ 1-2. General remarks 357
§3. Indirect statements 363
§ 4. Indirect questions 365
§ 5. Indirect orders and requests 366
§ 6. Indirect offers, suggestions, and advice 368
§ 7. Indirect exclamations 369
§ 8. Greetings and leave-taking 369
Chapter XX. Punctuation
§ 1. General remarks 371
The simple sentence 371
§2. Homogeneous members 371
§ 3. Detached members 372
§ 4. Parenthetical words, groups of words, and clauses 373
§ 5. Inteijections 374
§ 6. Nouns in address 374
The compound sentence 374
§ 7. Coordinate clauscs joined asyndetically 374
§ 8. Coordinate clauses joined by copulative conjunctions 375
§ 9. Coordinate clauses joined by disjunctive conjunctions 375
§ 10. Coordinate clauses joined by adversative conjunctions 376
§11. Clauses joined by causative-consecutive conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs 376
§ 12. Sentence containing direct speech 377
The complex sentence 378
§ 13. Subject clauses 378
§ 14. Predicative clauses . 378
§ 15. Object clauses 378
§ 16. Attributive clauses 379
§ 17. Adverbial clauses 379
§ 18. Complex sentences consisting of two or more homogeneous clauses 380
§ 19. Declarative non-exclamatory sentences 380
§ 20. Sentences expressing a question 380
§21. Exclamatory sentences 381
§ 22. Unfinished sentences 381

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