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Скачать моды на военных солдатов майнкрафт. Как это работает

Настоящие бои игрушечных солдатиков. Кроме того, солдатикам можно давать определенные классы, что меняет их стратегию атаки. Особенно интересно играть с этим модом в мультиплеере.

Как это работает?

Игрушечные солдатики - это маленькие существа, которые заменяют коров и свиней в Майнкрафт ПЕ . Они разделены на две команды (зеленые против красных), и, естественно, они враждебны друг к другу. Вам не стоит их бояться, ведь они не могут атаковать игроков. Солдатиков можно отвлечь с помощью специальных предметов и всего есть 4 цвета солдатиков.
  • Красные (корова) (можно отвлечь яблоком)
  • Зеленые (свинья) (можно отвлечь изумрудом)
  • Желтые (крипер) (можно отвлечь золотым слитком)
  • Синие (грибная корова) (можно отвлечь алмазом)
Отгородите забором одних солдатиков от других, чтобы они не начали атаковать сразу друг друга.


Вы можете менять классы игрушечных солдатиков с помощью сахара или стрел.
  • Обычный
    Здоровье: 10 сердец
    Обычная скорость
    Урон: 1,5
  • Убийца (дайте солдату сахар)
    Здоровье: 7.5 сердец
    Высокая скорость
    Урон: 1
  • Копьеносец (дайте солдату стрелу)
    Здоровье: 5 сердец
    Бросает стрелы
    Медленная скорость
  • Маг (дайте солдату ифритовый стержень)
    Стреляет маленькими огненными шарами
  • Целитель (дайте солдату кость)
    Стреляет стрелами здоровья в своих союзников
    Боятся вражеских команд, не могут атаковать


Вы можете смотреть как две команды сражаются в эпической битве, просто убрав стену, которая разделяет их. Как только это будет сделано, они сразу же вступят в бой и начнут сражаться.

Игрушечные лошади

Овцы в Майнкрафт ПЕ были заменены игрушечных лошадок. Игрушечные солдатики могут оседлать лошадей, что даст им больше скорости во время атаки. Игрушечных лошадей привлекает пшеница.
  • Игрушечная Лошадка - обычное ездовое животное (заменяет овцу) (привлекает пшеница)
  • Игрушечный Пегас - летающее ездовое животное (заменяет курицу)
  • Игрушечный Паук - ездовое животное, способное забираться на стены (заменяет паука)

Другие особенности
  • Вы можете использовать спаунеры для создания игрушечных солдатов. Желтые солдатики могут появляться только в темном месте, так как они заменяют криперов.
  • Это не полная версия оригинального мода и многие функции будут дорабатываться в будущем.
  • Toy Soldier вдохновлен популярным модом [b]Clay Soldiers для PC версии.
Последнее обновление: 04 мая 2018 г.
Что нового?
  • Солдатов теперь можно отвлекать золотыми слитками
  • Добавлен дроп предметов, когда погибает солдат
  • Новые предметы ездовых животных: игрушечный Пегас, игрушечный Паук

Установка мода Toy Soldier (.mcpack):

  • Скачайте файлы мода с пометками .mcpack по ссылке ниже.
  • Просто откройте файлы (через ES проводник на Android) и игра сама установит все необходимое.
  • Запустите Minecraft Pocket Edition и перейдите в редактирование мира.
  • Выберите Наборы ресурсов .
  • Найдите набор текстур и активируйте его.
  • Выберите Наборы параметров .
  • Найдите набор параметров и активируйте его.
  • Мод установлен, приятной игры!

Download Enemy Soldiers Mod

(Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2)

What is Enemy Soldiers mod

Description: The Enemy Soldiers Mod is a mod for Minecraft 1.6.4. The mod adds four new mobs to Minecraft: The enemy soldier, the friendly soldier, the Zombie Soldier and the Grenadier. Six new weapons are added along with ammo. The assault rifle, the sniper rifle, the pistol, the shotgun, the lever action rifle and the rocket launcher. The assault rifle and the rocket launcher are mob drops. The pistol, the sniper rifle, the lever action rifle and the shotgun are crafted. The recipes are shown below.Mob Description: The friendly and enemy soldiers have assault rifles. They have 100 hit points or 20 hit points with the vanilla version. Soldiers spawn at any time of day. When killed, they will drop an assault rifle. Grenadiers also spawn at any time of day and drop rocket launchers when killed. The weapons can be melted down for one iron ingot. They can also be used as a weapon. Zombie Soldiers are similar to normal zombies. They only spawn at night, will burn up in the daylight and drop rotten flesh. They are stronger and faster than normal zombies and have more health.Friendly soldiers are the same as enemies except they do not attack the player. They attack all hostile mobs, including enemy soldiers. The friendly soldiers will only attack you if you hit them first and will not attack the zombie soldiers.. All mobs can be found throughout the world. Enemies are in the black clothing and friendly soldiers are in the green clothing.

Weapon Description: The guns in Enemy Soldiers are used just like a bow and arrow. The weapons can be rapidly fired but do more damage if you hold down the right mouse button longer. The pistol is the weakest weapon but is very cheap to craft. The assault rifle is stronger but consumes more ammo. The shotgun is stronger than both the pistol and assault rifle but cannot shoot as far. The lever action rifle is the strongest long range weapon other than the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is the strongest weapon but is the most expensive to craft.

Sentry Turrets: Sentry Turrets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They are used to defend your home from mobs and other players. The turret will attack anything that moves, including you. You can use pistons to cover them up if you need to pass them safely. It is best to surround the the turret with blocks except for the front. This is so nothing can knock the turret out of place by shooting it.

Explosive Targets: Explosive targets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They explode when they take any damage from falling, being shot or hit with a weapon. Explosive Targets can be used for target practice, as a weapon, or to ignite tnt.

Armored Vest: The armored vest is an extremly tough chestplate included to create balance if you are playing with no other mods installed.

Mod Recipes

Lever Action Rifle
Sniper Rifle

44 magnum rifle ammo

50 cal sniper ammo

Shotgun shells

9mm pistol ammo

5.56mm assault rifle ammo

Rocket launcher ammo

Explosive Target

Sentry Turret

Armored Vest

ES – Zombie Apocalypse :
The Zombie Apocalypse version of Enemy Soldiers replaces the soldiers
with powerful zombies. The zombies spawn both at night and during the
day but can move faster at night. This version of the mod also adds a
sledgehammer as a melee weapon. The crafting recipe is shown below.

How to Installation Enemy Soldiers mod

Download ES_Zombie_Apocalypse for MC 1.6.4 (V 1.0.0)

Enemy Soldiers Mod

Description: The Enemy Soldiers Mod is a mod for Minecraft 1.6.4. The mod adds four new mobs to Minecraft: The enemy soldier, the friendly soldier, the Zombie Soldier and the Grenadier. Six new weapons are added along with ammo. The assault rifle, the sniper rifle, the pistol, the shotgun, the lever action rifle and the rocket launcher. The assault rifle and the rocket launcher are mob drops. The pistol, the sniper rifle, the lever action rifle and the shotgun are crafted. The recipes are shown below.

Mob Description: The friendly and enemy soldiers have assault rifles. They have 100 hit points or 20 hit points with the vanilla version. Soldiers spawn at any time of day. When killed, they will drop an assault rifle. Grenadiers also spawn at any time of day and drop rocket launchers when killed. The weapons can be melted down for one iron ingot. They can also be used as a weapon. Zombie Soldiers are similar to normal zombies. They only spawn at night, will burn up in the daylight and drop rotten flesh. They are stronger and faster than normal zombies and have more health.

Friendly soldiers are the same as enemies except they do not attack the player. They attack all hostile mobs, including enemy soldiers. The friendly soldiers will only attack you if you hit them first and will not attack the zombie soldiers.. All mobs can be found throughout the world. Enemies are in the black clothing and friendly soldiers are in the green clothing.

Weapon Description: The guns in Enemy Soldiers are used just like a bow and arrow. The weapons can be rapidly fired but do more damage if you hold down the right mouse button longer. The pistol is the weakest weapon but is very cheap to craft. The assault rifle is stronger but consumes more ammo. The shotgun is stronger than both the pistol and assault rifle but cannot shoot as far. The lever action rifle is the strongest long range weapon other than the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is the strongest weapon but is the most expensive to craft.

Sentry Turrets: Sentry Turrets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They are used to defend your home from mobs and other players. The turret will attack anything that moves, including you. You can use pistons to cover them up if you need to pass them safely. It is best to surround the the turret with blocks except for the front. This is so nothing can knock the turret out of place by shooting it.

Explosive Targets: Explosive targets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They explode when they take any damage from falling, being shot or hit with a weapon. Explosive Targets can be used for target practice, as a weapon, or to ignite tnt.

Armored Vest: The armored vest is an extremly tough chestplate included to create balance if you are playing with no other mods installed.

Lever Action Rifle

Sniper Rifle

44 magnum rifle ammo

50 cal sniper ammo

Shotgun shells

9mm pistol ammo

5.56mm assault rifle ammo

Rocket launcher ammo

Explosive Target

Sentry Turret

Armored Vest

ES - Zombie Apocalypse :
The Zombie Apocalypse version of Enemy Soldiers replaces the soldiers
with powerful zombies. The zombies spawn both at night and during the
day but can move faster at night. This version of the mod also adds a
sledgehammer as a melee weapon. The crafting recipe is shown below.

This is a Forge mod. Download the recommended Minecraft Forge Installer from http://files.minecraftforge.net/ . Run the installer and choose client. Put the Enemy Soldiers file into the mods folder in your .minecraft directory. Run the normal Minecraft launcher and create a new profile. Choose the Forge 1.7.2 or 1.6.4 version. Done!

This document (The Enemy Soldiers Mod) is Copyright (2013)(Droog71) and is the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

I will provide the source if requested for a good reason.

Future :
Possibly more guns/armor/artillery weapons/mobs - etc.

Данный мод полностью посвящен войне во Вьетнаме. В игру добавлено много солдат – все те, кто там воевал. Каждый солдат может носить автоматы, взрывчатки и соответствующую форму.

Мод имеет свои особенности. В игре останутся только биомы джунглей и болот. Так же будут новые биомы, которые отлично подходят под атмосферу мода.

В самом начале игры вам нужно выбрать себе сторону. После выбора вы появляетесь на карте в роли солдата с определенным оружием. Вы сможете использовать автоматы калашникова или M16. Это как основное оружие, кроме них еще есть куча другого.

Будет добавлено множество новых блоков. Появятся мешки с песком для сооружения баррикад. Появится грязь на картах, которая замедляет ваше передвижение. Можно будет сооружать защиту из колючей проволоки. Не обошлось из без наземных мин, на которых можно легко подорваться, если на них наступите.

Появится несколько типов еды. Например, рис. Вы сможете выращивать рис и готовить из него блюда. Из тростника можно делать тростниковый сахар.

Основное оружие – это АК47 и М16. Их можно скрафтить, как и патроны для них. Есть гранаты, которые можно бросать во врага. Они взрываются при ударе. Есть несколько видов пистолетов.

Сам мир будет состоять из различных строений, которые соответствует тому, какую сторону вы выберите. С этим дополнением вы сможете перенестись в самую настоящую вьетнамскую войну. Нужно только скачать мод Vietnam War для майнкрафт 1.7.10.

The mod adds three new mobs to Minecraft: The enemy soldier the friendly soldier and the Grenadier. Two new weapons are added along with ammo. The assault rifle and the rocket launcher.

Visit for all mod info.


Mod Spotlight:

Mod Contents:

Weapon Description: The guns in Enemy Soldiers are used just like a bow and arrow. The weapons can be rapidly fired but do more damage if you hold down the right mouse button longer. The pistol is the weakest weapon but is very cheap to craft. The assault rifle is stronger but consumes more ammo. The shotgun is stronger than both the pistol and assault rifle but cannot shoot as far. The lever action rifle is the strongest long range weapon other than the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is the strongest weapon but is the most expensive to craft.

Sentry Turrets: Sentry Turrets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They are used to defend your home from mobs and other players. The turret will attack anything that moves, including you. You can use pistons to cover them up if you need to pass them safely. It is best to surround the the turret with blocks except for the front. This is so nothing can knock the turret out of place by shooting it.

Explosive Targets: Explosive targets are entities that can be crafted and placed into the world. They explode when they take any damage from falling, being shot or hit with a weapon. Explosive Targets can be used for target practice, as a weapon, or to ignite tnt.

Armored Vest: The armored vest is an extremly tough chestplate included to create balance if you are playing with no other mods installed.

Vanilla Enemy Soldiers: The Vanilla version of Enemy Soldiers reduces the health and attack damage of the Soldiers to work well with the standard minecraft armor and weapons. A download link for this version can be found below. This version is outdated and lacks some bug fixes.

ES ? Zombie Apocalypse: The Zombie Apocalypse version of Enemy Soldiers replaces the soldiers with powerful zombies. The zombies spawn both at night and during the day but can move faster at night. This version of the mod also adds a sledgehammer as a melee weapon. The crafting recipe is shown below.

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