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Писатель двадцатого столетия.

Christopher Morley was an American journalist, novelist, essayist and poet. He also produced stage productions for a few years and gave college lectures.

Christopher Morley was born in Haverford, Pennsylvania. His father, Frank Morley, was a mathematics professor at Haverford College; his mother, Lilian Janet Bird, was a poet and musician who provided Christopher with much of his later love for literature and poetry.

In 1900 the family moved to Baltimore, Maryland. In 1906 Christopher entered Haverford College, graduating in 1910 as valedictorian. He then went to New College, Oxford, for three years on a Rhodes scholarship, studying modern history.

In 1913 Morley completed his Oxford studies and moved to Garden City, New York. On 14 June 1914 he married Helen Booth Fairchild (with whom he would have four children). They first lived in Hempstead, and then in Queens Village. They then moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and in 1920 they made their final move, to a house they called "Green Escape" in Roslyn Estates, New York. They remained there for the rest of his life. In 1936 he built a cabin at the rear of the property (The Knothole), which he maintained as his writing study from then on.

In 1951 Morley suffered a series of strokes, which greatly reduced his voluminous literary output. He died on Mar 28 1957 and was buried in the Roslyn Cemetery in Nassau County, New York. After his death, two New York newspapers published his last message to his friends:

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity.

Morley began writing while still in college. He edited The Haverfordian and contributed articles to that college publication. He provided scripts for and acted in the university"s drama program (he also played on the cricket and soccer teams).

In Oxford a volume of his poems, The Eighth Sin (1912), was published. After graduating from Oxford, Morley began his literary career at Doubleday, working as publicist and publisher"s reader. In 1917 he got his start as a newspaper reporter and then as a newspaper columnist in Philadelphia. He also edited the Ladies" Home Journal (1917–1918) and the Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger.

Morley"s first novel, Parnassus on Wheels, appeared in 1917. The protagonist, traveling bookseller Roger Mifflin, appeared again in his second novel, The Haunted Bookshop in 1919.

In 1920 he returned to New York City to write a column (The Bowling Green) for the New York Evening Post.

Author of more than 100 novels, books of essays, and volumes of poetry, Morley is probably best known for his 1939 novel Kitty Foyle, which was made into an Academy Award-winning movie. Another well-known work is Thunder on the Left (1925).

From 1928 to 1930, Morley co-produced theater productions (dramas) at his theater in Hoboken, New Jersey, which he had "deemed the last seacoast in Bohemia".

For most of his life, he lived in Roslyn Estates, Nassau County, Long Island, commuting to the city on the Long Island Rail Road, about which he wrote affectionately. In 1961, a 98-acre (40-hectare) park was named in his honor on Searingtown Road in Nassau County. This park preserves as a publicly available point of interest his studio, the "Knothole" (which was moved to the site after his death), along with his furniture and bookcases.

Literary Connections

Morley was a close friend of Don Marquis, author of the Archy and Mehitabel stories featuring the antics and commentary of a New York cockroach and a cat. In 1924 Morley and Marquis co-authored Pandora Lifts The Lid, a light novel about the well-to-do in contemporary Hamptons. They are said to have written alternate chapters, each taking the plot forward from where the other had left off.

Morley"s widow sold a collection of his personal papers and books to the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin after his death.

Morley helped to found the Baker Street Irregulars, dedicated to the study of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"s Sherlock Holmes.

Morley edited two editions of Bartlett"s Familiar Quotations: 1937 (11th) and 1948 (12th.)

Morley"s 1939 novel Kitty Foyle was unusual for its time, as it openly discussed abortion. It became an instant best-seller, selling over one million copies.

Morley"s brothers Felix and Frank were also Rhodes Scholars. Felix became President of Haverford College.

In 1942 Morley wrote his own obituary for the biographical dictionary Twentieth Century Authors.

Christopher Morley"s Works:

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Кристофер Морли родился 5 мая 1890 года в Хейвенфорде, штат Пенсильвания (Haverford, Pennsylvania). Его отец, Фрэнк Морли (Frank Morley), был профессором математики в Хейвенфордском колледже (Haverford College); мать, Лилиан Джанет Берд (Lilian Janet Bird), была поэтессой и музыкантом, и именно она привила Кристоферу любовь к литературе и поэзии. В 1900 году семья переехала в Балтимор, штат Мэриленд (Baltimore, Maryland).

В 1906 году Кристофер поступил в Хейвенфордский колледж, окончил его в 1910-м и говорил прощальную речь на церемонии вручения дипломов. Следующие три года Морли, получив стипендию Родса (Rhodes), провел в оксфордском Нью-колледже (New College, Oxford), изучая современную историю.

В 1913-м, завершив занятия в Оксфорде (Oxford), Кристофер направился в Гарден-сити, штат Нью-Йорк (Garden City, New York), и в том же году женился на Хелен Фэрчайлд (Helen Fairchild), в браке с которой у него появилось четверо детей.

Морли с семьей жил сначала в Хемпстеде (Hempstead), затем в Квинс-виллидж (Queens Village), после чего они переехали в Филадельфию, штат Пенсильвания (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

В 1920 году, Морли, наконец, поселились в доме, который назвали "Грин Эскейп" (Green Escape) в Рослин-Эстейтс, штат Нью-Йорк (Roslyn Estates, New York), и оставались там до конца жизни.

В 1936 году Кристофер построил хижину на задах своего владения, которую с тех пор использовал как убежище для своих писательских трудов.

В 1951-м Морли перенес серию инсультов, серьезно подорвавших его здоровье, и стал писать гораздо меньше.

Он умер 28 марта 1957 года и был похоронен на местном кладбище. После его смерти вдова продала коллекцию его личных бумаг и книг Техасскому Университету в Остине (University of Texas at Austin).

Лучшие дня

Морли начал писать еще в колледже. Он был редактором "The Haverfordian", университетской газеты, и писал для нее статьи. Кроме того, Кристофер работал над сценариями для театрального факультета колледжа и был отличным спортсменом, играл в университетских командах по крикету и футболу.

В 1912 году в Оксфорде он опубликовал томик своих стихов, "The Eighth Sin", а, вернувшись в Соединенные Штаты (United States), начал литературную карьеру как рекламщик и первый читатель присылаемых рукописей в издательском доме "Doubleday".

В 1917-м Морли стал газетным репортером, а затем и обозревателем газеты в Филадельфии. Он также был редактором "Ladies" Home Journal" в 1917–1918 и "Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger".

Его первый роман "Парнас на колесах" появился в 1917 году. Главный герой, странствующий торговец книгами Роджер Миффлин (Roger Mifflin), вернулся во втором его романе "The Haunted Bookshop" в 1919-м. Год спустя Морли стал обозревателем в "New York Evening Post". Он был одним из основателей, и долгое время оставался пишущим редактором "Saturday Review of Literature". Будучи чрезвычайно общительным человеком, Морли организовал клуб "Three Hours for Lunch Club" и был большим почитателем рассказов о Шерлоке Холмсе (Sherlock Holmes).

Морли был автором более 100 романов, сборников эссе и стихотворных сборников, но самым известным его произведением остается роман 1939 года "Китти Фойл" (Kitty Foyle), который превратился потом в фильм, награжденный премией "Оскар" (Oscar Award). Это была одна из первых книг, где открыто обсуждался аборт, и она мгновенно стала бестселлером и была распродана тиражом более миллиона экземпляров. Морли был близким другом Дона Маркиза (Don Marquis), придумавшего таких популярных литературных персонажей, как таракан Арчи (Archy) и бродячая кошка Мехитабель (Mehitabel), и в 1924-м написал в соавторстве с ним роман "Pandora Lifts The Lid".

Забавно, что в 1942 году Морли написал свой собственный некролог для биографического словаря "Писатель двадцатого столетия" (Twentieth Century Authors).

Christopher Darlington Morley (* 5. Mai 1890 in Haverford, Pennsylvania; † 28. März 1957) war amerikanischer Herausgeber, Schriftsteller und Sherlockianer. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia

Christopher Morley - This article is about the journalist. For the actor, see Christopher Morley (actor). For the rugby player, see Chris Morley. Undated picture of young Christopher Morley Christopher Morley (May 5, 1890 – March 28, 1957) was an American journalist … Wikipedia

Christopher Morley - n. (1890 1957) U.S. author and poet, Rhodes scholar …

Christopher Morley (actor) - For the writer, see Christopher Morley Christopher Morley was an actor and female impersonator who specialized in cross dressing roles in the 1970s and 80s. He played numerous parts in television and movies, most known for his parts in Freebie… … Wikipedia

Morley - may refer to: Contents 1 Places 2 People with the given name Morley 3 People with the surname Morley … Wikipedia

Morley - ist der Name folgender Orte: Morley (Derbyshire), England, im Borough Erewash Morley (County Durham), England Morley (West Yorkshire), England Morley (Australien), Vorort von Perth Morley (Iowa), im Jones County (Iowa), USA Morley (Michigan) USA… … Deutsch Wikipedia

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Morley, Christopher - ▪ American author in full Christopher Darlington Morley born May 5, 1890, Haverford, Pa., U.S. died March 28, 1957, Roslyn Heights, Long Island, N.Y. American writer whose versatile works are lighthearted, vigorous displays of the English… … Universalium

Morley - n. family name; Christopher Morley (1890 1957), U.S. author, Rhodes scholar, editor; Edward Williams Morley (1838 1923) U.S. chemist who researched the relative motion of the Earth; Robert Morley (1908 1992) English thespian … English contemporary dictionary

Morley Baer - (April 5, 1916 – November 9, 1995), an American photographer and teacher, was born in Toledo, Ohio. His parents, Clarence Theodore Baer and Blanche Evelyn Schwetzer Baer brought up Morley with a tradition of old world customs and mid West… … Wikipedia

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  • Parnassus on Wheels , Christopher Morley. 1918. Parnassus on Wheels is the story of Roger Mifflin, a sprite like figure who moves through the New England countryside with his traveling bookwagon. His story shows how book selling can…

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