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Есть ли джейлбрейк на ios 10.2 1.

PP jailbreak has been released for iOS 8 by a team of Chinese developers, supporting all compatible devices. PP team didn’t get off to the best of starts when they were associated with an app store containing copied content but have since cleaned up their act and are now one of the most reliable and trustworthy of all jailbreak teams. The jailbreak is a godsend for those still on iOS 8 as it opens up a whole world of possibilities ignored by the newer jailbreaks.

An untethered jailbreak, PP does not need to be reactivated when your device reboots and it is perfectly safe to use.

Important Points:

Before you move on, there are a few important points that you should be aware of:

  • PP jailbreak is only available for Mac users; Windows users should use Taig Jailbreak . Update: Windows Version of PP has been released. Links available below.
  • Back your data up before using PP jailbreak just in case anything goes wrong 0 you don’t want to lose all your data
  • Disable your firewall and anti-virus – this must be re-enabled after the jailbreak has completed
  • Disable your Touch ID, Passcode and Find my iPhone/iPad; again, these can be re-enabled afterward
  • You must check out the latest iOS 8 Jailbreak tools which might be more stable and have better jailbreak success rate for your device.

Supported Devices:

PP jailbreak works on all the following devices:

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus
  • iPad Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3
  • iPad Air, Air 2
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • iPod Touch 5G

How to Install PP Jailbreak on iOS 8:

Installing PP Jailbreak can be done in this way. The app is in Chinese so please follow these steps carefully:

Open Cydia and set it up and then re-enable your passcode, Touch ID, Find my iPhone, your firewall and anti-virus.

Troubleshooting PP Jailbreak:

Some users have reported that, after updating Over-the Air, the jailbreak did not work. OTA and Cydia are not compatible so carry out a fresh update using iTunes rather than OTA and then reinstall the PP Jailbreak – it will now work correctly.

Don’t forget to let us now how you get on and follow us on Facebook for all the latest updates and jailbreak developments.

*Please let us know if the Download LINKS on this page are NOT WORKING.

Last Updated: 2019-01-03

Apple released iOS 10.2.1 at 23 rd of this January. Young Italian hacker released a Semi-tethered Jailbreak solution only for iOS 10.2 as Yalu102 Jailbreak. Unfortunately, Yalu102 Jailbreak tool does not support for iOS 10.2.1.

TaigOne is the only Jailbreak alternative solution for iOS 10.2.1. You can install the limited version of Cydia with TaigOne very easily.

TaigOne is available for both iOS 10.2 and 10.2.1 versions plus other higher versions at this time. Many Jailbreak app stores (including Cydia) are available with TaigOne,

We recommend installing TaigOne if you are not an iOS Jailbreaking expert. After that, You can Jailbreak your iOS 10.2 version using Yalu102 Semi-tethered Jailbreak.


Currently, TaigOne is the only solution for iOS 10.2.1 iPhones, iPads, and iPods. iOS 10.2 users also can install TaigOne and upgrade their devices to the full Jailbreak with Yalu102.

Click on the below button using the Safari browser on your iPhone / iPad for the "no computer Jailbreak alternative solution".

Install TaigOne

Many Jailbreak features are available with TaigOne for iOS 10.2 and 10.2.1 devices. Unfortunately, You cannot install full functional Cydia using this Jailbreak alternative app.

Watch the following video to get idea about iOS 10.2 - 10.2.1 Jailbreak alternative app store.

Install Cydia with TaigOne

Cydia is the most popular Jailbrok application Manager of the world. It is very easy to install the Cydia using TaigOne. Please note - All Jailbreak functions are not available with TaigOne Cydia.
This is a fully video guide of installing Cydia. Feel free to have a look.

Please use another browser.

Jailbreak iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.2.1, using TaigOne Jailbreak and Yalu102. Compare and download the most suitable Jailbreak methods to your iPhone/iPad/iPod.

TaiG jailbreak approach for iOS 10.2/10.2.1

Untethered Jailbreak is not available for iOS 10.2 and 10.2.1 until now. However we, team Taig9 offers you the best Jailbreak alternatives which will fillout the space of this no-jailbreak season.TaigOne from Taig9 will give you the most suitable jailbreak tool and if there is no such jailbreak tool, then the altrenative. This is super easy and user friendly.

When no Jailbreak tool available to your version

When a Jailbreak tool is available for your version

Other Jailbreak apps and tweaks that you can install.

How to download Cydia for iOS 10.2.1

TaiG was the 1st team who released the Jailbreak for iOS 10.2.1. Unfortunately, This Jailbreak has been fixed by iOS 10.2.1. You cannot install iOS 10.2.1 beta 3 version at this time (even you are an iOS developer) because Apple released the iOS 10.2.1 to the public. Therefore iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak is no longer valid.

You can follow this Jailbreak method if you have already installed iOS 10.2.1 beta 3. But Cydia is unstable at this time. Jailbreak your iOS 10.2.1 beta device at your own risk.

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How to Jailbreak iOS 10.2 devices from Yalu102 Jailbreak tool

Yalu102 is not affiliated or endorsed with Taig9, TaiG Jailbreak tools or TaiG Jailbreak team. Use it at your own risk.

iOS 10.2 jailbreak guide

Step 1 - Make sure your iOS version is iOS 10.2, and your device model is compatible with Yalu102 Jailbreak tool.

Step 3 - Go to the Cydia Impactor website and download the Cydia Impactor according to your Computer OS. (We only recommend using Windows or Mac for this Jailbreak).

Step 4 - Place Yalu102.ipa to the desktop and open the Cydia Impactor.

Step 5 - Drag the Yalu102.ipa to the Cydia Impactor.

iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak start.

Step 6 - Click start button, Then Enter your Apple ID and password to continue.

Step 7 - Cydia Impactor will install the Yalu102 application to your device.

iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak start.

Step 8 - Go to Settings ---> General --> Device Management . Then make trust the Yalu 102 application.

Step 9 - Open the Yalu102 app and tap Go button to start your iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak process.

Step 10 - Congratulations. You have installed the Cydia to your Jailbroken iOS 10.2 device.

Important facts about iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak

TaiG team, Pangu team, Luca Tedesco and Yucca is working for iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak. We cannot estimate the extact release date of the iOS 10.2.1 untethered Jailbreak. We believe TaiG team could release the 10.2.1 jailbreak for the 1st time. In this period we recommend to use TaigOne as a Jailbreak alternative solution.

Furthermore, We recommend bookmarking this page to find the latest information and Jailbreak related news instantly. Also, We recommend trusted news sources such as Redmond Pie, Everything Apple Pro, IClarrified, etc. But make sure to get only trusted information from Twitter, Reddit or Youtube.

Jailbreak Compatibility

iPhone 7

iPhone 7 and seven plus Jailbreak will be harder. Sometimes iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak may release without compatibility of iPhone 7 / 7+ . Apple has introduced new kind of security protections with iPhone 7. It is known as kernel patch protection (KPP).

TaiG Team is working to exploit this new generation iOS protection method to .

There will be no issue with all following 64-bit devices

64-bit devices list 32-bit devices list
iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus. iPhone 4s,iPhone 5,iPhone 5c.
iPod touch 6G. iPod touch 5G.
iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro. iPad mini, iPad 2, iPad 3rd gen, iPad 4th gen.


iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Tools

There are no proper jailbreak tools for iOS 10.2 at the moment. But teams like TaiG, Pangu, 3K Jailbreak and individuals like i0n1c, qwertyoruiop work on iOS 10.2 Jailbreak. So it is possible to expect a jailbreak for iOS 10.2 soon after the iOS 10.2 official release.

New Features of iOS 10.2

The new features of iOS 10.2 includes

  • New Emojis
  • New Settings options for camera
  • More secured messages
  • New effects to iMessage
  • New wallpapers
  • Video widget for Home screen

iOS 10.3

Apple has not introduced any considerable features with the iOS 10.2.1, They fixed few minor bugs and improved the performance with this update. However, iOS 10.3 will be an extensive software update of Apple. According to Sonny Dickson (A famous Apple leaker), Apple has planed to introduce few new features such as Theatre mode with iOS 10.3. Therefore, Jailbreakig will be imperative for iOS 10.3. Read more about the Popular hacker"s .

Jailbreak iOS 10.2 developer beta

iOS 10.2 developer beta 4 comes with known issues in SOS, Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC), SpriteKit and TV App. SOS only supports India and the jailbreak developers may use the vulnarability in TV app to jailbreak iOS 10.2. TV app takes longer to launch than expected and the jailbreak developers may inject some app during the tv app start.

Jailbreak approach of TaiG Competitors

Pangu Team is the biggest competitor of the TaiG. They are also working for iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak. Also, i0n1c (a German Hacker) Luca (An Italian hacker) and Yucca (A Swedish hacker) are working on the iOS 10.2 Jailbreak.

Jailbreak Related Videos

  • Electra Jailbreak iOS 11.4.1 Your browser does not support the video tag.
  • TaigOne Downgrader Your browser does not support the video tag.
  • Cydia for iOS 12.1 | iOS 12.1.1 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Только несколько недель назад и уже готовит к выпуску обновление iOS 10.3, которое сейчас находится в стадии бета тестирования и доступно для публичных бета тестеров.

Если вы не знали, то напоминаем, что компания Apple уже закрыла период выдачи цифровой подписи для iOS 10.2, то есть уже сейчас нет возможности сделать даунгрейд с версии iOS 10.2.1 или iOS 10.3 обратно на версию iOS 10.2 и сделать джейлбрейк устройства с помощью утилиты «Yalu». Но появится ли и когда инструмент джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 и iOS 10.3? В этом посте мы проинформируем вас о статусе разработки джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3 и обо всем, что вам необходимо знать о данном процессе.

Текущий статус джейлбрейка

На момент написания данного поста, был выпущен инструмент для джейлбрейка «Yalu» для всех 64-битных устройств, под управлением iOS 10.2, за исключением устройств iPhone 7 и 7 Plus. Мы уже выложили в публичный доступ руководство как сделать джейлбрейк iOS 10.2 используя утилиты «Yalu» и «Cydia Impactor» .

Если у вас на руках устройства iPhone 7 или iPhone 7 Plus, то вы можете сделать на них джейлбрейк только при условии, если они работают под управлением iOS 10.1 – iOS 10.1.1. Джейлбрейк возможно сделать используя утилиту «Yalu», версии «beta 3» и прочитать руководство можно .

Можно ли сделать джейлбрейк iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3?

Последняя рабочая версия инструмента джейлбрейка «Yalu» поддерживает только iOS 10 – iOS 10.2. Эксплойты, которые использовались этим инструментом были устранены в обновленных версиях iOS 10.2.1 и iOS 10.3, что значит, если ваше устройство работает под управлением любой из этих прошивок, то джейлбрейк на таком устройстве невозможен.

Итак, каковы результаты процесса разработки инструмента джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3? Лука Тодеско, разработчик инструмента «Yalu», пока не выдает никакой информации относительно разработки инструмента джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3. Он недавно упомянул, что он прекращает работу над разработкой публичной версии джейлбрейка, после выпуска джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2. Что оставляет нам мало надежды на то, что в скором времени будет разработан инструмент джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3.

С учетом этого, никто не знает что произойдет в будущем. В прошлом мы не раз становились свидетелями неожиданных выпусков джейлбрейка и тоже самое может произойти с джейлбрейком для iOS 10.2.1 и iOS 10.3. Существуют и другие не менее именитые команды по разработке джейлбрейков такие как «Pangu» и «TaiG», которые в прошлом выпускали полностью стабильные версии джейлбрейков для iOS 7 – iOS 9. И хотя в последнее время от них не поступало никакой информации, никогда нельзя быть уверенным когда может выйти очередной джейлбрейк из ниоткуда.

Даунгрейда до версии iOS 10.2 с версий iOS 10.2.1 или iOS 10.3

Несколько недель назад окно для получения цифровой подписи было открыто. Некоторое время спустя, после выпуска iOS 10.2.1, компания Apple закрыла это окно выдачи подписи для iOS 10.2 . Что означает для всех нас отсутствие возможности сделать даунгрейд до нужной версии прошивки, использую штатные средства в виде приложения «iTunes».

Если у вас осталась сохраненная копия цифровой подписи в виде файла «SHSH» для iOS 10.2, то существует альтернативный метод проведения даунгрейда с использованием такой утилиты как «Prometheus». Но нет гарантий, что это сработает.

Надеемся, что данным постом мы прояснили все неясные моменты относительно джейлбрейка для iOS 10.2.1 – iOS 10.3. Как всегда, мы продолжим информировать вас о последних сообщениях относительно разработки инструмента джейлбрейка и обо всем, что вам необходимо знать о нём.


Вышел нестабильный джейлбрейк iOS 10.2.1 –

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