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Forsaken Uprising - Системные требования.

В отличие от консольного рынка, где возможность запустить ту или иную игру определяется ее принадлежности к конкретной игровой приставке, PC-платформа предоставляет гораздо большую свободу во всех отношениях. Но чтобы воспользоваться ее преимуществами, нужно иметь базовое представление о том, как устроен компьютер.

Специфика PC-гейминга такова, что перед тем, как приступить к прохождению, необходимо сначала ознакомиться с ее системными требованиями Forsaken Uprising и соотнести с имеющейся конфигурацией.

Чтобы сделать это несложное действие, не нужно знать точные технические характеристики каждой модели процессоров, видеокарт, материнских плат и прочих составных частей любого персонального компьютера. Вполне хватит и обычного сравнения основных линеек комплектующих.

Например, если в минимальных системных требованиях игры значится процессор не ниже Intel Core i5, то не стоит ожидать, что она запустится на i3. Однако сравнивать процессоры от разных производителей сложнее, именно поэтому разработчики часто указывают наименования от двух основных компаний - Intel и AMD (процессоры), Nvidia и AMD (видеокарты).

Выше представлены системные требования Forsaken Uprising. Стоит отметить, что разделение на минимальные и рекомендуемые конфигурации делается не просто так. Считается, что выполнение минимальных требований достаточно, чтобы запустить игру и пройти ее от начала до конца. При этом для достижения наилучшей производительности обычно приходится понижать графические настройки.

Описание игры

Forsaken Uprising - новая игра из тех, к которым разработчики сами придумывают жанр, у этой игры он звучит как: MMFPSG (Multiplayer Medieval First Person Survival Game ). Да, придумывание жанра к своей «оригинальной» игре стало набирать обороты в последнее время.

В самой же игре будет множество разных предметов, из которых можно будет ковать достойные товары, а затем продавать их в лавках торговцев. Боевая система с быстрым темпом, основывается на 3 статах: выносливости, силе и здоровье. Игрок может в буквальном смысле бежать до тех пор, пока не падёт замертво от истощения. Есть возможность постройки своего замка, выращивания урожая и содержание скота. Всё своё добро придётся защищать от других игроков, а также, если захотите, сможете сами грабить, убивать других игроков.

Итак, какие особенности мы имеем в итоге:

  • Строительства замка (в том числе можно соорудить шипы на стене и вешать туда трупы побеждённых врагов)
  • Быстрый темп боевой системы, как в ближнем, так и в дальнем бою
  • Глубокая система крафтинга (по уверениям разработчиков она очень даже глубока)
  • 3 столпа боевой системы: выносливость, сила, здоровье. Когда ваша сила не велика не надейтесь выносить много урона. Когда выносливость ниже плинтуса, то знайте, вы скоро умрёте от перенапряжения
  • Постройка катапульты для разграбления замков других игроков
  • Система занятия мирным делом: к примеру, скот будет активно производить навоз, который необходим для выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур, а также в качестве источника топлива для скрафтиных механизмов
  • Постройка собственного замка: защитите свои посевы и скот слоем каменных стен

Последующие планы разработчиков

Многие другие функции и возможности ещё не реализованы (наверно поэтому в стиме столько отрицательных отзывов). Планируется создать феодальный строй между игроками: у каждого игрока может быть свой замок, будет правитель нескольких замков (считай правитель округа), будет правитель нескольких округов (правитель провинции), и, конечно же, будет король игры. Помимо этого, планируется привнесение RTS элементов в игру. Но это в будущем, а какова игра сейчас вы можете почитать

Basic Key Controls

  • Movement = WASD with Left Shift for sprinting
  • E = interact key, use this while looking at what you wish to interact(open) with(chests, furnaces, fires, etc)
  • F = activation key, use this to start camp fires, furnaces and offering plates
  • Attack = Left click to melee attack and ranged attack
  • Placing Items/Construction = put placeable items on your action bar, press their corrisponding action bar number, the object will appear in your view and you can now place it with left click.
  • Control + left click = use this on inventory items to split their stack in half
  • Control + right click = use this on inventory items to split 1 from the original stack
  • Double tap a movement key to leap in that direction, for example press a two times quickly and you will leap a short distance quickly to your left.
  • i = inventory
  • tab = inventory
  • drag and drop from inventory to action bar/left click inventory items to deposit and remove from containers.

Basic Combat Overview

  • Place any weapon you wish to use on your action bar, press the corrisponding hotbar key to equip that weapon.
  • With a weapon equiped, left click to attack or to fire your bow as long as you have arrows.
  • Catapults require you to be close to them to fire, stand by a catapult and left click to load as long as you have catapult rocks in your inventory. Once loaded you can fire the catapult at three height levels. Left click will fire at low height, middle click will fire medium height, and right click will fire at a high height. Based on range from target these should estimate to tiers of a castle.
  • Npc combat is meant to be practice, for example npc"s will follow and attack once in range with melee only. It"s a straight forward hack and slash but if you time their attacks correctly you could use double tap in a direction to dodge an attack. Sprinting for a distance will cause enemies to deagro and return to their home.
  • Actions will drain stamina, strength, and then hit points. Hitpoint regen counters the drain, however you will find that your regen is stiffled to over exertion.

Basic Construction Overview

Construction requires certain pre-requisites to build structures. For example, the basis of all construction will start with a foundation. Once you place a foundation you can begin adding in erector set fashion pieces to build larger and larger castles. The following is just the most basic example, use your imagination to create massive castles. The following is a basic breakdown of how to build a one room castle with a door. It will require the following crafted components, 1 foundation, 4 pillars, 1 ceiling, 3 walls, 1 small archway, 1 single man wood door.

  • Once you have constructed all of your building pieces, place them on your action bar. Once on your action bar use the corrisponding hot bar number to begin placing your piece.
  • Begin with a foundation, your first foundation places where ever you left click once you at in place mode.
  • Once your foundation is placed, begin placing your Pillars. Drag your pillars from your inventory to your action bar, and press the corrisponding hotbar key to begin placing the pillar. Once you are in place mode look at your newly placed foundation, and you will notice the pillar snap to a location. Looking around at the corners of your foundation will allow you to easily decide where to place your pillar. Place all 4 pillars, one on each corner of your foundation.
  • Once all your pillars are placed, drag your walls to your action bar and press the corrisponding hotbar number to begin wall placement mode. Look towards the middle of your foundation and you will notice the wall snap into place, as you move around you will notice you can snap it into place on all four sides of the foundation. If your wall is not facing the correct direction use right click to rotate it and then use left click to place.
  • Place your small archway the same as you placed your walls
  • Once your small archway has been placed, drag your small wood door to an action bar slot and press the corrisponding hot bar key. The placing of doors require you stand very close to the doorway, once you are close enough the door will snap into place. If it is not facing the correct direction use right click to rotate and left click to place.
  • Once done place your ceiling the same as the other pieces, and you will have yourself your first enclosed castle room to protect you while you master construction and build a massive castle!

Basic Crafting Overview

  • Use i to open your inventory. Click on the crafting tab. This list shows all current recipes in game. White recipes are available to craft, grey recipes are recipes you still need to purchase with divine favor.
  • Select a white recipe
  • enter the amount you wish to craft
  • Click craft, as long as you have the required components and are crafting a white recipe the process will begin. You can move around and play as normal while crafting, however if your recipe requires a workbench you will need to remain close to it for the craft to be successful.
  • Campfires will produce charcoal as they burn wood.
  • Cattle that have been placed in an animal pen will begin producing manure. Manure is used for making purified charcoal and planters to place in your farm.
  • Purified charcoal is used in the furnace to smelt ore into steel.
  • To open your furnace, campfire, offering plate look at the object and press e. To activate your furnace, campfire, or offering plate look at the object and press f.

Tips and General Progression

There are many things to do in Forsaken Uprising, the follow list is a generalized view to kick start your progress.

  • When you spawn equip your club by pressing 1
  • Find a tree and harvest some wood by hitting it with your club
  • Find a Stone and begin harvesting some stone by hitting it with your club
  • Open your inventory and click on your craft tab, then select stone axe and craft one when you have the required materials. Stone harvesting tools are MUCH more efficient than your club. This upgrade should be your first priority since stone tools also hit npc"s harder.
  • Once you have your stone tool, find some animals kill them and loot their meat and leather/cloth.
  • Using the craft menu find the campfire recipe, craft 1 campfire place it on your action bar and then press the corrisponding number to begin placing it. Once you like where it is left click to permanently place it. Open it place your meat and wood in it by left clicking the item in your inventory which will automatically move it into the fire.
  • Press f while looking at your campfire to activate it. Your meat will cook and you can remove it at any time.
  • Open up your crafting menu and select bedroll, craft 1 bedroll if you have the required materials and place it on your action bar. Press the corridsponding hotkey to enter place mode and left click to place it once you have moved it to a suitable spot.
  • Now that you have some food and a tool craft some cloth or leather armor from the leather/cloth you gathered from animals while you were hunting for food.
  • From here it"s up to you, continue gathering and get your first castle room with a door for protection is probably the best thing to do. However, you could craft a bow and begin raiding villages at this point. Safety first is the best route though.
  • Bedrolls and beds allow you to respawn at their location, you may have one of each and choose which to spawn at upon dying.
  • Moniter your stamina and strength when fighting npc"s, it doesn"t affect your fight very much with them but if you are attacked by a player you could find yourself at a significant disadvantage.
  • Use your castle design to protect your farms and livestock, a well designed castle can prevent passerbys from disturbing your medieval experience:)
  • Bows are useful for village raiding, use your shots to pull single enemies out and dispatch them one at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • Storage containers placed inside a castle room that is enclosed by a door should be a #1 priority to avoid losing progress to deaths.
  • Offering plates are important for progression. Place an offering plate, look at it and press e to open it. Once open left click inventory items to place them inside. Close the window, while looking at the offering plate press f to activate it. This will begin sacrificing the items over time and producing communion wafers which can be eatten like food to grant 1 divine favor per wafer consumed.
  • Try to keep your campfire burning to produce charcoal
  • Keep checking your cattle every 10 minutes or so, their pens have a max capacity of 3 manure piles which need to be collected before more can form.
  • Keep your farms growing, crop cycles take 30 minutes before they can be harvested. You can immediately replant after you harvest your crops.
  • Keep your furnace producing steel bars as often as possible
  • Harvest while you craft base components to save time
  • Keep a small amount of food and potions on you at all times, potions can turn the tides of a losing fight.
  • Have FUN! Post screenshots of your amazing creations and videos of your glorious battles! welcome to Forsaken Uprising
  • At the moment everyone is a land lubber in other words avoid water contact it will kill you.

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